Chapter 4

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-April 14th 2018-

   Me,The brother's and Castiel are all talking about having a small dance party when my phone rings.I put it on speaker phone and answer.


???:Why hello there Darling the queen has missed you.

Isabella:I'm taking you off speaker phone."About to click button".

Rowena:Grandma has miss-

Isabella:"Hangs up".

Dean:Wait did she just say Grandma?.

Isabella:"Sighs and looks at Castiel who comes over and takes her hand".Yes she did...

Dean and Sam:What?!.

Isabella:The man who took me in when i was left for dead was Crowely.I was known very well as the princess of hell up untill i was 10yrs old.He promised to keep me safe and to not break that promise he wanted me to live a normal life.That day you "Introduced me" when we caught a moment alone.We hugged and caught up.Even tho he had to give me up i will never stop being his daughter.On one occasion i met Rowena and when he told her his plan for me she was not supposed to tell anyone i'm her grandchild.But not wanting to sound old i alway's called her Queen.

Sam:The day he was here to help...when he laughed did you do something to do that?.

Isabella:"Smirks"Well um i could be michevious sometimes...


Sam gave me a book of monsters to read before i sit down Crowely whispers in my ear.

Crowely:I call Sam a Moose and Dean a squirrel.

Isabella:"Quietly giggles and sit's down with the book and a piece of paper"."On the paper she writes[I call Dean Dean-osour and Sam Giant] and hand the paper to Crowely who walks away with the paper to read on the other side of the table".

Crowely:"Laughs aloud".

~flashback ends~

Isabella:"Chuckles".I didn't know he would laugh aloud i though he would just smirk hehe.

Sam:Castiel you knew this?.

Castiel:Yes i did.Thats why Crowely and me tried to get along again tried.

Isabella:He did like Cas very much tho..he never stopped talking about you and me making great couple.He knew i had fallen in love with you but i never told him and when i asked how he said it was Father's instincts..he gave me this envelope to hand to Castiel if something bad happens to him."Hands envelope to Cas".I think this is the right time to hand it to you.

Castiel:"Opens to see a short letter".

a few minutes into the reading.

Castiel:"Blushes and throws the letter out".

Isabella:He said something about me didn't he?.

Castiel:He said if i didn't protect you he would come back and kill me.

Isabella:"Giggles" You know he wouldn't he would just be disapointed.If anyone knows my Dad it's gonna be me.We were very close.

Dean:You kinda act like him too.


Sam and Dean:"Laugh".

Isabella:Well you boy's move the furniture i'm going to grab my portable radio."Leaves room"


Dean:Perfect dance room for the night eh?.

Isabella:Yeah now it just needs music."Puts the song Carry on my wayward son song on".

Castiel:May i have this dance bella?.

Isabella:"Grabs his hand".You may.

As Castiel and Isabella dance around the tiny room.Sam and Dean start doing a rockstar dance.The lyrics to the song come up and Isabella starts to sing as the others join.

Isabella:Carry on my wayward son,For there'll be peace when you are done,Lay your weary head to rest,Don't you cry no more.

Dean and Sam:Once I rose above the noise and confusion,Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high.

Isabella and Dean:Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man,Though my mind could think I still was a mad man,I hear the voices when I'm dreamin', I can hear them sayyyyy.

Everyone but Cas:Carry on my wayward son,For there'll be peace when you are done,Lay your weary head to rest,Don't you cry no more.

Dean:Masquerading as a man with a reason,My charade is the event of the season,And if I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know.

Sam:On a stormy sea of moving emotion,Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean,I set a course for winds of fortune, but I hear the voices say.

Everyone but Cas:Carry on my wayward son,For there'll be peace when you are done,Lay your weary head to rest,Don't you cry no moreCarry on, you will always remember,Carry on, nothing equals the splendor,Now your life's no longer empty,Surely heaven waits for youCarry on my wayward son,For there'll be peace when you are done,Lay your weary head to rest,Don't you cry no more.

Isabella:Castiel why didn't you join in singing?.

Castiel:I haven't heard the song in years.


Castiel:"Twirls Isabella".


Castiel:"Catches her like she's doing a dip".

Dean:Castiel i didn't know you knew how to dip?"smirks".

Isabella:"Clears throat then lets go of Castiel's hands and walks over to dean and slaps him".

Dean:Ow what the hell Isabella?!"Rubs his cheek".


Isabella:That's for ruining the moment also don't say Hell cause your talking to the princess"giggles"."Yawns" I'm tired out i'm going to bed."Grabs her portable radio and leaves to her and Castiel's room".

Castiel:"Leaves with her".

Castiel's Lover|Supernatural Fanfiction (The Isabella Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora