I don't wanna love you

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I place a hand on the picture of me and her, we were 10. I had just moved here and she was my first and only friend. We became close, I guess that was the only time I fully embraced my heterochromia. It was probably the height of my life, one of my best years.

A tear falls on it, blurring and morphing Halsey's face into one unrecognisable. The cool kids, that's what they called them. A group of people who were known for the amount of hurt they caused to other people, the amount of rules they break, all the drugs they took. They were idolised for it. It was a popularity Halsey craved. She wanted to share it all with me. But I didn't want her to go, to leave. Couldn't she see I idolised her already? Her hair, a river of ink flowing down her back waving in the wind, matching her deep chocolate eyes, the ones i had clearly stared at for too long... She was beautiful, why did she need anyone else to tell her that?

I said no, firmly and maybe too harshly. The way she looked into my eyes that day. I could feel her slip, so I pulled her back. I told her that I wouldn't stop her, and that if she ever needed me I would be there for her with open arms.

It's strange, isn't it.

I snuck out of the house for her, fought for her and patched her wounds. Slipping under the radar from my parents. So I thought that means she would care for who I was. Who I chose to be, but, we don't all get what we want. I've chosen to accept that.

Being pansexual makes me "weird". According to her, she was always right, what she said was always right. She told me so, and she would never lie to me. She never has.

Coming out was a bad idea, so she told me to get rid of my homosexual thoughts. And I trusted her, I gave her a hug and said "I can't do that." so, I did what I had to. What's the point of having a broken brick in the wall of your empire, right?

That's what I said when I jumped, I looked up at the world, smiled and waved goodbye. Goodbye to everyone. My Dads, my sisters, my brothers, my love, Halsey.

But I didn't die, I was caught by someone. My Papa, he had wings after all. How he knew I was at the top of the school roof I'll never know. But that doesn't matter to me, not anymore. I'm glad that he was able to stop me, I would never have known what my life was meant for if I were gone.

This is some insight of my jadam child Anna and her first crush Hasley, (heh, nearly wrote Hailey again) sO, hope u like it, i'll be posting one-shots every now and then about her to give some clues bout her backstory and stuff. So yee

Bai sistahz!

       Stay Lemony Q-Q - AuthorSanfileEXE

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