Chapter 11: Jaunedice

Start from the beginning

Ruby: He is a bully.

Jaune: Oh please... name one time he's "bullied" me.(gives air quotes for the word bullied and laughs nervously)

Omni(grinning): How about I show you? Arc?

Archive(appearing in his usual spot): Already on it.

Archive then projects three video clips of Cardin knocking books out of Jaune's hands, Cardin activating Jaune's shield and trapping him in a door frame, and Cardin putting Jaune in a rocket locker and launching him away from the school.

When the video clips finish, Archive disappears.

Jaune: I didn't land far from the school.

Pyrrha: Jaune, you know if you ever need help you can just ask.

Nora(stands up): Oh!(gives a not-so-sane grin) We'll break his legs!

Omni: Yes!(raises fist and stands with Nora)

Pyrrha gives Omni a look and he sits down.

Jaune: Guys, really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me; he's a jerk to everyone.

Rabbit Girl: Ow, that hurts!

Team CRDL laughs at the faunus as Cardin pulls one of her ears.

Rabbit Girl: Please, stop.

Cardin(to his team): I told you it was real!

Russel: What a freak!

Omni growls, stands up, and starts walking towards team CRDL. Pyrrha reaches out to grab his arm, but is met with air as Omni disappears and reappears from the shadows next to Cardin. CRDL jumps and looks at the glaring Omni, who's eyes change back from purple-dark blue to their normal gold.

Omni: Let her go.

Cardin: And who's going to make me, mutt? You?

Team CRDL laughs mockingly at Omni, who's eyes turn red-orange. Omni grabs the arm that Cardin is using to hold the rabbit fanus' ear and his hand starts to heat up. Cardin notices the increasing heat on his arm and starts trying to pull his arm away, but can't.

Cardin: What the heck are you doing.

Omni just glares and says nothing. Cardin's panic increases and eventually lets go of the rabbit fanus' ear. Omni immediately lets go and his eyes change back to gold as he turn to the girl. Cardin on the other hand waves his arm around, his arm armor glowing a red-orange.

Omni(ignoring the panicking Cardin): You okay.

Rabbit Girl: Y-yeah. Thank you...

Omni: Omni Nikos.

Rabbit Girl: Velvet Scarlatina.

Omni: Nice to meet you Velvet. Why don't you come sit with me and my friends?

Velvet: Really? Thanks.

Omni smiles and watches as Ruby introduces Velvet to everyone. His eyes flash dark blue-purple and smirks when Cardin's fist bounces off a dark blue-purple barrier that briefly appeared behind the wolf fanus.

Omni turns around to face CRDL.

Omni: Now, now, we wouldn't want to start a fight and get in trouble with Goodwitch, would we?

Cardin glares for a moment before turning around and walking away, his team follows him.

Cardin(over his shoulder): This isn't over, mutt! Nikos or not, I'm going to make you regret this!

Omni(laughs): I'd like to see you try.

With that, Omni walks back to his friends and sits down next to Ruby. Omni notices his friends, minus Pyrrha who is shaking her head, staring at him.

Omni: What?

Ruby: What was that!? First, you teleported. Next, you somehow heated Cardin's armor to a high enough temperature for it to turn orange-red. And then, you somehow summoned a dark blue-purple barrier that blocked Cardin's fist!

Omni: Oh, that, was my semblance. You see, a really long time ago there was this group of warriors that had a great control over aura, which they called Light. They managed to refine their ways into different groups and elements. The groups were Titan, strong fighters that defended others. Warlock, powerful and wise people with a thirst for knowledge. And Hunters, silent and deadly individuals that fought from the shadows with precision. The elements were Sol, fire. Arc, lightning. And Void, the name says it all.

Weiss: While that sounds interesting, what does it have to do with your semblance.

Omni: Well, my semblance allows me to use the powers of Light. I also have a limited amount of control over dust.

Blake: But, besides trial-and-error, how would you learn all of these things.

Omni: Well, that's where Archive comes in.(Archive appears and Omni pets his shell) You see, Archive, and other Ghosts like him, were made to help these warriors control their powers. Archive found me after I unlocked my semblance and taught me how to control my powers.

Omni's friends, satisfied with his answer, go back to their meals. Except for Jaune, who gets up and leaves with a sigh. No one notices Cardin, with an evil grin, watch Jaune walk away.

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