Chapter Eleven

Começar do início

The bombs were constructed by one person, and they weren't telling anyone what they were up to.

When I finally made the President see that it wasn't a normal human being doing all this destruction, he gave me the go-ahead to investigate fully. It's only been a week and a half since that first meeting with him, and I know I haven't found the answer he's looking for. I have no new information to give him, and I the only person I know who practiced magic at all is dead.

As I think more about Anna, I remember that not all her stories were about magic. She had a kid before she came to work for my parents; and if she had magic, then maybe they do too.

I look at my watch, seeing that I have to leave in two hours in order to make my flight for D.C. I open my laptop, and once it's loaded, I click my internet browser. I type in the search bar Anna's name, and when she died. I scroll until I find her obituary, making sure to read it carefully. My heart races as I read it; finally finding her child mentioned.

A son who lives in California. I quickly back out of the page I'm on, clear the search bar, and then type in her son's name. A businessman named Martin Stevens. I click on the article and read about a man who was as bad as they come. He used his business to cover up the fact that he was part of the Aryan Brotherhood, and that's ultimately how he died. He was found dead of a gunshot in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It would later be found out that the house he was in had belonged to a Carlos Peterson, former leader of the Aryan Brotherhood.

What fascinates me most about the article is who Martin's son is. Since I can't talk to Martin, seeing as how he's dead, maybe his son Kyle can give me some answers when I get back. Although that might be harder than I think. Kyle Stevens is a retired NFL player. He's constantly doing charity work, so I doubt he's home very often. Even in his older age, Kyle Stevens is still very active in urban communities. According to the article I'm reading, Kyle has three children though, so it might just be easier to talk to them.

He has a daughter named Hope, but she lives in Canada. For time's benefit, I should try finding his two sons, Jackson and Jared. I send an email to my assistant, telling her to track down the two men, close my laptop, and then grab my workbag from the floor beside me.

As I make my way to the airport, I'm relieved that I have some type of lead to tell the President.

Trudging through airport security, I desperately look around for Mrs. Cicero and her niece, who I can't quite remember her name. I feel horrible. I'm usually good at remembering names, but she had been so quiet during the meeting that something as basic as her name escapes me. I don't quite know the story between them, but I got the impression that wherever Mrs. Cicero goes, her niece follows.

I check the flight information board, and silently cuss to myself. Their plane from Ontario was delayed in Canada, and now they're arriving late to D.C. Our Meeting with President Moore is in an hour, and their plane won't land for another forty-five minutes. There's no way we could make it to the White House in fifteen minutes.

Panic starts to fill me. I may have a small lead on Anna's family line, but Mrs. Cicero's knowledge is what President Moore needs.

I'm not sure what to do, especially since I've already told the President's secretary that I will have two guests with me. I told her that President Moore must meet them. I can't show up with just my notes from my meeting with Mrs. Cicero. She talked so quickly that her explanation for almost everything didn't get written down. I, more or less, only have cliff notes; and that's not acceptable for a briefing to the President. I also can't not show up.

Out of the Darkness~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book FiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora