Not my happy ending

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From the first time I layed my eyes on you I knew I loved you

Months passed and I fell more in love, but I always already taken

Finally I was single and I was ready to be with you

So, we finally made it official on August 19 and I was the happiest girl in the world

Being with you was amazing and you made my heart skip a beat and gave me butterflies

I was so happy that after almost a year of liking you I got to call you my boyfriend

I fell more in love with you with every day that passed

No one ever loved me the way you did 

And I never loved anyone as much as I loved you

You made me feel special and loved at all the same time

I already planned our lives together and I knew there was no one else I ever wanted 

When you kissed me, I felt I was flying, there was never a feeling better than when your lips touched mine

You promised to always be by my side and I believed you

Then on a Tuesday you came to pick up your stuff

You kissed me goodbye and said you loved me

I watched as you left

You sent me a text and said you left me a note under my backdoor

I was so excited to read it; thinking it was gonna be romantic and sweet

But you broke up with me..

My world came crashing down and I couldn't believe it was true

You blamed everything on me

Saying I was the one who messed up

Couldn't you see if I was trying to be perfect for you it was only cause I wanted to be the best person I could for you

I tried to pretend I was okay

Put on a smile for my family, to show them I was okay

Even though inside I was dying

Everything reminded me of you and your name seemed to be everywhere

I try to get through every day without thinking of you

But memories of us pop up randomly and those get me depressed

It's been 2 weeks since we broke up and it's still hard

It's getting easier though and I get stronger with every day that passes

How do you move on from someone who you've been in love with for almost 2 years and who you imagined your whole life with? 

You were everything to me, but now it seems I was nothing... and that hurts.

One day I will be over you

I wait for the day I can wake up, think of you and not feel my heart break 

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