The day after

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So it was the day after my party and I woke up next to roc he had is arm around me and I was so close to him I knew I drunk last night and I remeber exactly everything that had happened. I put on my shorts that says peace on my butt and a pink tank top and I put my hair in a high bun, today was going to be a chill day. I went downstairs to make breakfast and i see kyra and look sleepin on the couch with each other they was mighty close. And Ray, prince and prod was just scattered all over the floor sleep. As I started making breakfast everybody woke up.

( roc came downstairs and walked up behind me and put his hands on my waist)
Roc: morning beautiful
Shauna:( blushing hard as hell) hey

Roc: ( kisses my cheek and sits down on the couch) so wat we doing today
Shauna: yall food ready. ( walkin torqards roc with his food and my food and my hands and sit down next to him) I don't know what yall doin but stayin my ass right here and having a chill day
Roc: me to then
Shauna: ok
Everyone else: me to
Luke: can I?

( everybody looks at him. Kyra gives me a look like you better not say nothing mean. So I was nice. I was going to say yes anyway but yea)
Shauna: yea you my best friend boyfriend. Right?
( kyra and Luke look at each other like yes or no.)
Luke: yeah this me girl
( I can tell Lyra was mad happy cause she started blushing and stuff)
Roc: so what we doing on this chill day
Shauna: watch movies order food and play games and stuff
(My mom walks downstairs)
A/N: if yall ain't know my mom is... Nicki Minaj lol don't judge me yall
Nicki: what yall doing here
Shauna:they stayed the night from my party cuz remember I got drunk and they did to
Nicki: oh yea yall kids is something man(rubbing her eyes) where Aiyona at
Shauna:( looked at roc and eyes got wide) OMG
(Then allow s sudden she comes from behind the tv with her sleepy face cuz she just woke up)
Aiyona: what happened I heated my name
Shauna: ( I out my hand to my chest with relief that nothing happened) nun you can go back to sleep
Aiyona: no I'm up now( she got up and got her some lucky charms and sat next princeron)

A/N: PLEASE READ THIS AUTHORS NOTE EVRYONE ITS VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! ok so aiyona is now my real sister she came back from modeling scool and now lives with me and our mom: nicki minaj and she goes to my school and if you dont remeber dates prince. ok now continue readin enjoy :)!!!

aiyona pov

i sat next to pince with my lucky charms

princeton: mornin beautiful ( kissing my forehead)

aiyona: mornin handsome

( i love princeton so much when i was at my modeling school in new york i met this boy that i THOUGHT was the love of my life bt he cheated and broke my heart and he didnt give two shits when i said im done with him he just said ok BYE. but princeton is diffrent he's such a peoples person and kind and caring and i know he feels the same of me)

end of pov

nicki: so what yall goin to do today ( she said while sitting down while eating pancakes)

shauna: we having a chill day and stuff

nicki: oh so yall stayin the night AGAIN

everyone: yup

nicki: oh ok well imma go to the studio with wayne

shauna: oh how is reginae

( if you didnt know reginae is lil waynes daughter)

nicki: shes good. OH she told me to tell you that she having a party next saturday and she want you to come and she heard ya sister back in town so she want you to bring her and she said you bring who ever you want

shauna: ok imma be there if you see her today tell her imma be there

nicki: ok ( while on her way walkin upstairs to get dressed)

shauna: mom wait before you go upstairs that song only that you made that just came out is funny i love it and tell drake that he was turnt at his ctfuu

nicki: lol gurl you funny ill make sure i will tell him ( then she goes upstairs gets dressed and leaves)

Skipping to night

Shauna: ( we just got done watching ride along) ctfuu yo that was a funny movie

Roc: babe remember....
Shauna: omg yes
Shauna and roc: MY STOMACH AND MY ASS ( they both said at the same time. That was ONE of their favorite parts)

Luke: do what we going to to do now

Shauna: idk yall want to play hide and go seek in the dark😏
Princeton: YES!! Let's play that ( princeton got real hype we know he was up to do doing something freaky)
Shauna: I don't know why you getting so hype for NO FREAKY NASTY STUFF just play the real game no scarying
Roc: alright ( he says pouting but playing)
NOT IT!! Everybody said except prod lol ctfuu
Pros: yo I wasn't ready
Shauna: that's the point you gotta count come ( I said gettin off the couch)
Prod: whatever 1....2....3....

Shauna's pic

Ok so prod countin and I'm trying to hide but roc ass keep following me and grabbing on to my short like he don't want to be alone so I ran and I think I lost him I found a good spot to. It was this secret door in my living room and it was like a mini room in there but it was dark so I go in there and guess who the fuck I se...... ROCS DIMB ASS TALKIN BOUT I was scared so I hid here lol he was just playin but prod was done countin so I couldn't leave
( roc grabs my waist and moves me to sit on his lap. That was a turn on and it got me a tingly feelin so I hurry up and move his hands.)
Shauna: babe stoop ( I said blushing)

(Roc started crapping up cuz he know that that always gets to me. I covered his mouth so no one can hear him but me)
( I heard Lyra and Luke)
Kyra and Luke: OMG
Shauna: (whispers to roc) looks like everybody's with there boo thang
Roc: lol dr tho
( then we hear people foot steps come closer and touches the door and crawl around the corner)
Prod: found yall sneaks to!!!! Alright I found everybody
(Me and roc climb out)
Shauna: I don't want to play no more
I'm tired I'm goin to bed ( looks at clock) DAMN ANS ITS 3:00 am shit I'm goin to bed I need to go shopping for Reginald party tomorrow.
(Everyone else agreed so they all went to bed roc climbed in bed with Shauna)
Shauna: babe
Shauna: I'm a little cold
Roc: get more covers
Shauna: nigga that won't do nun
Roc: so what you want me to do
Shauna: cuddle with me
Roc: no you ain't give me no kiss when we was hide n go seek
Shaun: fine (pouts and turns around)
( then roc turns her way and moves close behind her and puts his arms around her where she's super secured in his arms)
Roc. You know I can't leave my baby cold
Shauna: I thought you was for a sec
Roc: nah but can I get a kiss
Shauna: (turns torwards him and kisses him)( then Turns back around and goes back in rocks arms) night babe
Roc: I liked that you gotta do that again in the morning and night baby
Shauna: lol I won't mind doing it night
Shauna: hehe niigghtt
Kyra and Luke:can yall both shut the hell up night both of you case closed
Roc and Shauna started cracking up and finally went to sleep✌️😴

I hope yall liked that's the end of this chapter stay tuned for more.!!!!

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