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As we're moving towards reality, Clarke's head started to spin out, making her body shiver like she was having an adrenaline rush. As she gasped louder enough to make the room go silent, she felt a heavy feeling on her chest.

When she opened her eyes, she saw tons of doctors looking curiously at her, ready to make questions and discover what happened to her while she was away.

"Miss Griffin." A doctor said with a giant smile on his face. She was a miracle, after all.

Clarke didn't even look at him. She was focusing on the room, trying to find where she was. Was she with Bellamy? After she got shot from Martinez? Or was it all in her head.

As she tried to figure out that question without asking, she looked at a newspaper on her side table. She grabbed it, looking at the year. 2021. As she kept reading, she saw a giant headline on the front page.


As Clarke kept reading, her memories started to pop up like ads on a commercial break. She began to remember being on the plane, along with Bellamy, her mother, Kane, Octavia, and Lincoln.

But she had no memory of Harper.

And after she kept reading the whole thing, when she faced the list of those who didn't survive, she found Harper's name, but Clarke had never seen her face on the plane.

But that wasn't the worst thing.

The worst thing was that Bellamy's picture was also there. And Octavia's and Kane's.

As her breath started to fail, the doctors had to put the paper away because she was already crying and having a panic attack. She wanted to know what happened, but she was so agitated that they had to sedate her.

"Where's Bellamy?" It was the last thing she said before felling asleep.

Although she wanted to go back to her lucid dream where she had Bellamy, Octavia, and Kane alive and well, she couldn't go back anymore.

When she woke up after some hours, she cried a lot but then pretending to be calmer because so she wouldn't be sedated again.

"What happened to me? What happened at all?" She asked low to a doctor that was there. Green, she read the name, and somehow she manages a smile. Monty.

"Easy." He said carefully, helping her sit on the bed. "There was a plane crash. Most of the people didn't survive. You were one of the lucky ones. You were very injured, but you survived. You entered the hospital practically dead. Your brain was shutting down, and so were your organs." He said calmly to avoid her getting agitated again.

"Did anyone call Bellamy Blake entered the hospital? Or did he died right away?"

"He entered, but he didn't survive for long. I'm sorry. His sister died right away. She didn't make it to the hospital." Dr. Green said low. "And in your coma, you mentioned once, Kane. I assume it was Marcus Kane?"

"Yes. He was... He was family." Clarke said, tearing up over again.

"Also, right away."

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