{ fourteen }

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"Hey, where's Kane?" Bellamy asked when he came downstairs, only to find Clarke eating her pancakes alone.

"He received a call from work. He had to go." Clarke bounced her head. "What about you? Going somewhere?" She asked, raising an eyebrow because he had the same shirt he said he was going to change.

"A teacher called me from school. Apparently, they need my help to organize our office." He sighed, not because he hated cleaning but because he was lying to her. "Will you be okay?" He asked softly, caressing her face.

"I'm a big girl." She laughed softly. "I think there's an AA meeting today in 30 minutes. I'll go and spend some time while recovering." She frowned a little, watching him nod his head.

"I'll be back for lunch, I promise. Plus, I'll make it up to you."

"I know you will." She chuckled, grabbing his shirt carefully so she would lean him down to kiss him in a teasing way.

"Now, you're just asking me to ditch school." He laughed, kissing her cheek. "Good luck with your meeting. Call if you need anything, okay?"

As Clarke was choosing which clothing she would use, Bellamy was already driving to the other part of the city. He was suspicious about what that asshole wanted to talk to him, so he decided to take his bat with him.

He had a gun. I mean, of course, Bellamy had a weapon. He dated a cop for years, and now he was together with her again. He needed to be protected, and he needed to protect her - that's why he agreed with this meeting in the first place.

When he parked the car, Martinez was already waiting for him, which honestly didn't bother Bellamy. As long as Bellamy knew, Martinez was lucky to be breathing. Because Lord helps Bellamy, if Martinez ever tried to lay a finger on Clarke, Bellamy would lose it.

"You're late," Martinez said with a disrespectful tone.

"You're lucky I came. What the hell do you want?" Bellamy hissed to him, holding his bat close.

"The second I said Clarke's name, I knew you would come." He smirked, making Bellamy groaned. "You won't be needing the bat, you know."

"I'll take my chances." Bellamy smiled ironically. "What do you want?"

"I have a deal to make."

"Go fuck yourself." Bellamy automatically answered.

"I know Clarke is making a plan to prove I done those things." Martinez started walking around. "And I'm going to give you an option." Martinez smiled. "You tell me, I'll spare her. You don't tell me what it is. I'll do worse than what happened to Lily."

"You son of a bitch." Bellamy groaned, lifting his bat up.

"You have the power to save her, Bellamy. Although she can't know you did it." Martinez smiled.

"Clarke doesn't need me to save her. She's strong enough on her own." Bellamy said fiercely, admiring the strength of Clarke.

"Can she save herself from death?" Martinez questioned, getting on Bellamy's nerves.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"You have my word." Martinez smirked.

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