Chapter 3

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Chen Xiaoqian, disheartened, threw down her phone. Looking at her online banking account, she saw that she hardly had four digits in her account. Her brain blanked, and all she could think about was the word 'poor'.

"No!" Chen Xiaoqian suddenly jumped up from her seat, and she fiercely stared at the screen in front of her. Her expression gradually evolved to show determination.

Even if Chen Xiaoqian had a little money left, she couldn't just hole up in her apartment until she died. She was determined to fight for her script!

The next day, the nocturnal Chen Xiaoqian, who had hardly slept a wink, pulled herself out of bed to visit the studio where a drama was being filmed.

The leading male actor had a problem with a script, which delayed Chen Xiaoqian's desperately awaited paycheck. Since he refused to approve the script, Chen Xiaoqian decided to visit him and see what issue he had with the script!

Chen Xiaoqian revealed her identity to the crew and was led to where the Film Emperor, Han Ming Xing, was filming.

Han Ming Xing was dressed in a black suit and had his back turned to Chen Xiaoqian. A second staff member attached suspension wires to his body. The busy crew seemed not to have noticed Chen Xiaoqian's presence.

Another staff member who was manning Han Ming Xing's suspension called, "Thumbs up if you're good to go. Thumbs down, and we'll bring you back down. If you feel uncomfortable anywhere, tell us."

Han Ming Xing, with his back still turned toward Chen Xiaoqian, nodded in confirmation, and the two staff members turned to leave.

Although Chen Xiaoqian had confidently arrived at the set, she couldn't help but feel timid as she approached him after seeing the renowned Film Emperor. "Hello, I am the scriptwriter for 'The Tiger Sniffing the Rose', Chen Xiaoqian."

Finally, Han Ming Xing turned around to face Chen Xiaoqian, but his tone was icy cold. "Hello."

Chen Xiaoqian was stunned into silence upon seeing Han Ming Xing's stunningly handsome face, and for a moment, she didn't know what to say.

In her brief moment of silence, a crew member picked up a megaphone and yelled, "Everyone, pay attention and prepare."

Han Shuo seemed to be able to tell why Chen Xiaoqian came to visit almost instantly. Expressionlessly, he said, "I'll make a long story short. I've already read the script, and it seems like the male lead has a few problems."

Chen Xiaoqian knit her eyebrows in confusion. "What problem-"

Before she could finish her question, Han Ming Xing gave a thumbs up to the crew members and was raised into the air.

Han Shuo, suspended in midair, posed handsomely, and the photographer quickly snapped a few photos of him.

Chen Xiaoqian had no choice but to strain her throat and yell, "What. Is. The. Problem. With. The. Character?"

Han Shuo slowly descended to the ground after gesturing to the crew to put him down. He pondered Chen Xiaoqian's question for a moment before saying, "What are the character's motives?"

"Han Shuo's motive is to steal Huayuan's treasure, the dragon bone. He's suffered from a heart disease since childhood, and the dragon bone is the only thing that can cure him. However, historically, Huayuan and Xuanhu have never gotten along, so how could he get his hands on his cure?" Chen Xiaoqian rambled. "So, Han Shuo agreed to marry into Huayuan City to use the second princess, Chen Chuchu, to get his hands on the dragon bone. He eventually took soldiers to capture Huayuan City, but at the last moment, he had a moment of pity and let Chen Chuchu live. But, in the end, he died at the hand of Chen Chuchu."

Before her explanation finished, Han Ming Xing gave a thumbs up to the crew members and was lifted into the air once more.

Chen Xiaoqian, determined to finish her explanation, screamed up at him as he was filming, "He's. The. Hero. That. Fell. For. The. Beauty!"

Again, Han Shuo motioned for the crew to let him down, and he slowly descended.

With a twinkle in his eyes, Han Ming Xing whispered, "That's the part I don't understand. Why does Han Shuo like Chen Chuchu? Just because she's the female lead?"

His response made Chen Xiaoqian sigh, but just as she was about to reply, Han Ming Xing gave a thumbs up to the crew and ascended to pose for the photographer again.

Chen Xiaoqian, exhausted from shouting so much, began to become impatient. "The. Heroine. Is. Smart. Beautiful. And kind! Is. That. Not. Good. Enough?"

Han Ming Xing gave another thumb down and descended to the ground.

Raising his eyebrows, he looked at Chen Xiaoqian and shook his head. "But the foundation of love is equality. In your script, Huayuan law dictates that men must obey women, and in Xuanhu, women must obey men. I don't think Han Shuo would fall in love with a girl in such an unequal environment. Moreover, Han Shuo is a bit of a... male chauvinist."

Male chauvinist?! Really?

Chen Xiaoqian lowered her head to think of an answer, but by the time she thought of one and had raised her head, Han Ming Xing had already been lifted into the sky.

Chen Xiaoqian was exasperated and infuriated beyond control. She marched over to a crew member and took the megaphone from his hands. "Then, do you think we're equal right now?!"

Shocked, Han Shuo froze in midair. The entire crew was watching Chen Xiaoqian get angry with him, so the atmosphere became mildly awkward.

Rapidly, Han Shuo descended before Chen Xiaoqian. He towered over her, and he stared her down while passionately saying, "They are unequal! The two can't even communicate, let alone love each other! It's just like you and me. Would you fall in love with me?"

Flustered, Chen Xiaoqian looked down in an attempt to hide her tomato-red cheeks.

Babump. Babump. Babump.

As Chen Xiaoqian was looking at Han Shuo, she could feel her heartbeat rapidly accelerate.

"The feminism you want to express in your script is no different than the male chauvinism you previously criticized. The equality you wish to achieve is not genuine equality," Han Ming Xing criticized.

Upon finishing his thought, Han Ming Xing found that Chen Xiaoqian was absentminded and had flame-red cheeks.

Only then did Han Ming Xing realize that Chen Xiaoqian was blushing because of him. Smiling devilishly, he leaned down to her ear and whispered, "Miss, have you never been in a relationship? If you have time, go date. Then you'll be able to write some more realistic love story."

Ashamed, Chen Xiaoqian's face became even redder, but she had no retort to say. It felt as if two devils were fighting in her head.

One devil said, "Chen Xiaoqian, hurry up! That's is the Film Emperor! It's time to show off your charm and strength! Go! Get the Film Emperor!"

"This actor is beyond annoying! He thinks he can poke fun at people just because he's the Film Emperor! Chen Xiaoqian, now's the time to prove your strength! Hurry, reject him, humiliate him, trample him!" the other devil said.

As Chen Xiaoqian was lost in her dilemma, Han Ming Xing snapped his fingers in front of her eyes and laughed. Turning around to leave, Han Ming Xing left Chen Xiaoqian, glaring at his arrogant figure.

Humiliated, Chen Xiaoqian wanted to hide her face and crawl in a hole, never to be seen again. "Why are you so horrible!"

Chen Xiaoqian slapped herself to regain her sense and stared at Han Ming Xing's retreating figure, before letting out an annoyed snort.

Dismissing my lack of love experience?! I'll write a love story that'll make you bleed to death!

The Romance of tiger and roseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ