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    Tharn sat up against the headboard. Type sat in front of him, in between his legs, leaning back against his chest.

    They had gone more than a few rounds and decided to opt for a much needed break.

    Tharn's left hand was holding Type's tightly. His other hand was drawing imaginary circles on Type's chest. They were deep in conversation as they stared out the large window by their bed.

    "I think I want to start my own business." Type admitted.

    Tharn looked down at him with a smile. "Really?"

    Type nodded and smiled back. "Yeah. I mean, I've always wanted to do my own thing. I've always loved planning events, but it was always just a hobby. I thought moving here and getting a job would be great, but we know how that went. I think maybe I should just start my own business." He explained.

    Tharn used both hands to wrap them around Type's neck, hugging him close. "If that's what you want, I will fully support you." He told him. "But, while we're in the subject of businesses, I have a confession to make as well."

    Type looked up at him, a but worried about what he might say. "What is it?"

    "I think I'm going to step down as CEO and President."

    "What?" Type sat up and turned so he was facing him completely. "What are you talking about? I thought you loved the company."

    Tharn nodded. "I do." He took Type's hands in his. "But I love you more. Besides, I'm only stepping down. I'm not handing over the company. I still own it, I just won't exactly be running it."

    Type shook his head. "You can't do that just because of me."

    "I'm not." Tharn said shaking his head. "I'm doing it for us. For our family. You mentioned you wanted kids, and I want that too. But, I don't want to be like my father was. I want to be there for our kids and show them what it's like to have good parents and to be loved and excepted. Something I wasn't." He kissed Type softly on the lips. "Besides, even if you told me no, I'd do it anyway. It's my company." 

    Type laughed and slapped him on the arm. "Is this really what you want?" He questioned.

    Tharn nodded. "I wouldn't have married you if it wasn't. We're going to be spending the rest of our lives together. It would be nice to have a little company."

    Type laughed again and let a small tear roll down his cheeks. Tharn quickly raised his hand and wiped it away.

    "I was also thinking if maybe moving closer to your parents. If that's something you want." Tharn said.

    Type smiled at his amazing husband. "Is there anything else you're think but not telling me?"

    Tharn tilted his head a bit and looked to the side, as if he was thinking. "Nah." He finally said as he shook his head. "I think that's all. But, if I remember something, I'll be sure to let you know."

    Type turned back around and leaned against Tharn again. "I love you." He said kissing the back of Tharn's hand.

    "I love you too."

    "No." Type shook his head. "I mean, I love you more than anything. I spent so long without you, and now that we're back together, I don't know how I survived."

    "Well, it's a good thing we're married now, because I'm pretty sure that means you're stuck with me from now on." Tharn said with a chuckle. Type smiled up at him and caressed his cheek. "Plus, if you keep making those sounds you did just a little bit ago, I'll worship you until the day you die."

    Type's hand stopped caressing before slapping him lightly on the cheek. "I knew you were gonna say something like that."

    He moved to stand up, but Tharn grabbed him by the waist and held him tightly. "Wait. No. Don't go."

    "I have to. I'm hungry and it's after ten so we have to go out." He tried to pry Tharn's fingers off of him, but made no progress. He let out a sigh and dropped his hands. He turned quickly to Tharn and leaned forward, his lips brushing his ear. "If you get up now, when we come back I'll show you what else my mouth can do."

    He pulled back and looked at Tharn, who wore a surprised and lustful expression. He bit his lips lightly and let out the same whimper he had before.

     "But, you better hurry. I might lock the bathroom door behind me." Type stood up from the bed and made his way toward the bathroom.

    Tharn jumped up after him and quickly ran to the door, opening it before Type could. Type let out a laugh and pulled him into the bathroom, placing a kiss on his lips, which was very much welcomed.

    After their shower, which lasted longer than originally planned, they ventured out to find a 24-hour diner to settle their hungry stomachs.

    They walked hand in hand down the streets, smiling and laughing and talking up a storm.

    Neither of them had ever felt happier in their entire lives. Being with each other gave them exactly what they needed. And they were determined to never let that go.


Thoughts on this chapter?

I apologize that it's a bit shorter than usual.

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