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    "Are you going to tell him?" Techno asked as he and Type sat at a back table in some cafe.

    Type let out a sigh and slouched down in his seat. "I have to. It's the right thing to do. I just wish I wouldn't have waited so long." He admitted.

    Techno nodded. "Why did you wait so long?"

    "I don't know." Type said, giving him a shrug. "I guess it was a bunch of different things. I was scared of how he would react. I was scared of it being true. I loved him, I didn't want to hold him back from what he could really do. I mean, look at him. Look at what he's accomplished. Do you think he'd still be able to do that if we were together?"

    Techno rolled his eyes at his best friend. "Look, Type, I love you. So, when I tell you this, I tell you it from the bottom of my heart. Get over it." He shook his head a bit and let out a breathy laugh. "You have to stop making decisions like that. You can't always be thinking about the future like that. You have to think about how Tharn would see it as well. You loved him and you should have fought for him. I don't understand why you didn't."

    "What would you do if Kla's father offered you money to leave his son? Huh? What would you do if he told you that you were ruining his son's life and that he would go nowhere with you by his side? It wasn't as easy as your making it seem Techno. I couldn't tell him that his father didn't accept him. He looked up to him and saw him as his idol." Type let out a sigh, trying not to raise his voice.

    "So, instead of being honest with him, you chose to lie. How do you think he's going to feel after finding out that you've been lying to him for so long?" Techno questioned.

    Type shook his head. "I don't know. And it won't matter. I'll be leaving Monday morning, so we won't have to see each other again."

    "Is that what you want?"

    "That's what he'll want."

    Techno rolled his eyes at his friend. "Dont make those decisions for him."

    "I'm not. I know him."

    "You haven't seen him in six years. You dont know him."

    Tharn sat on the loveseat in his backyard, watching Type hang up a few blue fairy lights around the patio.

    "What time will the other kids be here?" Type questioned.

    Tharn sighed. "Around 3, so in about half an hour. Will that be enough time?"

    "Yes. I'm almost done, anyway. Can you finish setting up the background for the pictures?" Type asked, gesturing to him. Tharn nodded and stood up. "Tharn?" Type calling his name made him pause. "After the party is over, can we t-talk?"

    Tharn cleared his throat and nodded. "Sure. Are you okay?"

    Type smiled and looked down. "Yes. I'm fine. There's just something I want to tell you."

    Tharn eyed him suspiciously. "Okay." He said before slowly turning and walking toward the photo area.

    Neither one of them said anything the rest of the time it took to set up.

    Around half an hour later, kids started showing up. Type stayed for the party. Mostly because Pao insisted that he did, but also so he could stay and help clean up afterward and finally speak to Tharn.

    It didn't take long for the backyard to be full of rowdy kids. Some throwing balls back and forth. Some pushing each other down and wrestling. Some of them were even enjoying getting their pictures taken.

    Type couldn't help but smile when the twin's friends question who Tharn was, to which he replied that he was their older brother. No one objected either.

    Type stayed out of the way for most of the party, until the kids wanted him to play a game of football with them after hearing about him playing on the team while he was younger.

    Dan was grilling some food while Pao made some dishes inside. Tharn decided to go in and help her since it was much more quiet.

    "Are they enjoying themselves?" Pao questioned when she saw Tharn enter.

    Tharn nodded with a smile. "They are loving it." He said taking a seat across the kitchen island from her.

    "Thank you, Tharn. Really." She said, looking at him with a gentle smile.

    "You know I would do this anytime."

    She reached over and patted his cheek. "I know you would, son." She turned back around and continued putting some food together.

    "Type said he wanted to talk to me after the party." Tharn told her.

    "That's good. Do you have any idea what he wants to talk about?"

    Tharn shook his head. "No idea. I've been thinking of things he could possibly be wanting to tell me, but I don't know."

    "Do you think maybe we wants to tell you he still loves you?" Pao questioned.

    Tharn shook his head with a breathy chuckle. "I dont know. I dont want to believe it's that and it not be that."

    "So, you do want him to tell you he still loves you." She nodded to him with a smile. "Which can only mean one thing. You still love him too."

    Tharn smiled and looked down. "Yeah. I think I still do. I think I always have, and probably always will. I just....I dont know." He shook his head. "If he still does love me, why would he break up with me like that in the first place? He told me he didn't love me anymore. He looked me in the eyes and told me he didn't love me anymore. So, am I just supposed to be easy and let him back in if he does say that?" He questioned.

    Pao sighed and reached for his hands, taking them in hers. "Tharn, you are strong and amazing and I know it may seem like you dont have any answers now, but maybe tonight can help you both. Maybe this is a chance for you to speak from your heart since you didn't get to last time. Letting him back doesnt make you an easy person, Tharn. You love him and I'm sure he loves you too. And if you think there was something messed up about your break up then confront him tonight. It will be okay."



Thoughts on this chapter?

I wrote it while I was in a Zoom call with my teacher so it's a bit ehh.

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