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    Type laid his head in his hand, his arm resting on the table. He continued to check the time on his watch.

    10 minutes.

    15 minutes.

    20 minutes.

    25 minutes.

    30 minutes.

    The waitress had been by multiple times, asking if he was ready to order, but he wanted to hold out for Tharn.

    Still, he never showed. Even after three, un-answered and un-returned, phone calls, nothing.

     The waitress arrived at the table again, asking if he was now ready to order. He let out a sigh and nodded, finally giving her his order.

    The entire time Type sat the table, he watched the door. Watched as multiple people and couples arrived. Watched as they were shown to their tables. Watched as they had a happy dinner and left.

    Multiple people had come and gone while he was there, but Tharn never showed.

    After losing his appetite, halfway through his meal, he asked for the check and left. He couldn't help feeling angry with Tharn. He couldn't help but feel hurt.

    Tharn was the one who wanted them to go out. He said he wouldn't be long. If there was something more at the company he would understand. He would get it if he had to stay longer than usual. But he didn't even call or text, though.

    Type called himself a taxi, taking one when he arrived so he and Tharn could go back together. It didn't help his current mood that it took over fifteen minutes for the taxi to arrive. He really just wanted to go home.

    After sitting in the taxi for a bit, his phone began to ring. The caller ID showed Tharn's name, and his finger hovered over the green button to answer the phone, but he decided to click decline. It was a little late for any excuses he felt Tharn might have.

    He knew that Tharn wasn't going to stop at one call so he shut off his phone and stuck it back into his pocket. He leaned against the car door and stared at the passing lights out the window until he arrived home. 

    To his surprise, and dismay, Tharn was arriving just as the taxi stopped in front of the house. He thanked the driver and paid him as he exited the car. Tharn walked toward him with crossed arms. 

    "Why didn't you answer my calls?" Tharn questioned as he followed Type into the house, slightly slamming the door behind them. "I was worried." 

    "Funny. Why didn't you answer mine?" Type asked, taking off his shoes. 

    "I'm sorry. I went to the company and got a bit distracted. Ice ended up calling and I had to take some papers to him. I forgot my phone in James's office, so I had to go back for it. I called the restaurant but they told me you already left." Tharn explained as they made their way upstairs.

    Type shook his head, letting out an angry chuckle. "You know, you're the one that wanted us to go out tonight. I suggested we stay in but no, you're richer now, so you have to throw your money around." Type opened their bedroom door, Tharn following behind him. "Instead of actually coming, though, you didn't show up, making me sit there for almost an hour, looking like a complete loser, while you were with Ice. The same Ice you told me you wouldn't being seeing. So, should I take this as you lying to me?" 

    Tharn sighed and rubbed his temples. "It's not like that, Type. I've told you, Ice is just someone I'm working with. I had to take him the file so he could have it by tomorrow. Can we please not argue?" 

    "I don't care how many times you tell me, Tharn. It's not going to change the fact that I don't like him. I understand that you're working with him, and I respect your company. I respect that sometimes things there will come first, but when you talk to him more than me, your boyfriend, if that's what you can even call me, it's hard to see past some things." Type admitted. 

    They were both standing and staring at each other with defensive forms. Type has his arms crossed and Tharn's hands were on his hips. 

    "What do you mean if that's what I can even call you? You're my boyfriend, Type. Unless, I've been missing something for the past week almost."

    "I'm just saying, Tharn, we haven't been officially back together for that long, but it feels like we never got back together at all." Type admitted. He let out a sigh and lowered his head. "Thank you for explaining to me why you didn't show up, but I'm still angry." 

    Tharn nodded. "I know it's been a difficult few days, but I promise it won't always be like this, Type." He walked forward and took Type's hands in his. "I love you and I am so sorry for not trying harder." 

    Type wrapped his arms around Tharn's neck and pulled him into a hug. Tharn wrapped his arms around Type's waist and pulled him close. 

    "I don't want to fight." Type whispered. 

    "How about tomorrow, I ask Pao and Dan to go out for a bit and we stay here to have a home date. I'll make dinner. Pao's been teaching me a bit and I think it's time I spread my wings." Tharn told him, pulling back and giving him a smile.

    "Okay." Type nodded, giving him a smile back. "That sounds like a really good idea."

    Tharn closed the gap between them and pressed their lips together. Type embedded his fingers in Tharn's hair, tugging softly. Tharn pushed his tongue past Type's barriers. Type let out a low moan and drew Tharn's tongue into his mouth farther. 

    Tharn walked backward, sitting down on the bed when the back of his knees hit the edge of it. He pulled Type by the back of his thighs, making him place both knees on either side of Tharn's waist. 

    Type felt Tharn grip his bottom tightly. Tharn had told him that he hadn't been with anyone since they had broken up. That included both romantic and intimate relationships. Type hadn't been with anyone either, but, if he remembered correctly, Tharn had always been the hornier one in the relationship. 

    It was hard on both of them to take it slow. Type felt himself giving in more and more everyday. Still, it was something they needed to do. 

    Type pulled away quickly, breathing quickly. "I should go take a shower." He said, removing himself from Tharn's lap. 

    Tharn groaned and leaned back on the bed with a smile. "Why must you punish me?" 

    Type laughed and shook his head. "Maybe it's just fun to tease." He said shrugging. 

    Tharn lifted his head quickly. "So, you want this too?" He questioned with a smirk. 

    Type shook his head and quickly retreated toward the bathroom. He stopped at the door and pointed an index finger at Tharn. "Don't think for a second that this means I've completely forgiven you."


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