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    Tharn stared at the clock on his desk. Type had been gone for two days already, and he had called Tharn a total of seventeen times. Sometimes their calls were short, just wanting to check in, but other times they talked for hours. 

    Type had taken care of everything at work. He had sorted out his projects, giving them to others. He had cleared out his office space and talked to his boss. He had also spoken to his parents. They weren't happy he was moving away again, but they supported his want to be with Tharn, and made him promise he would visit as much as he could. 

    They had already talked everything out between the two of them as well. Type was going to move in with Tharn when he got back. Being 13 hours apart and trying to make a relationship work was hard. They had already lived together before. It may have seemed to be going fast, but, for them, it was quiet slow. They just missed each other.

    Tharn was sitting in his office, waiting for someone to arrive. He had yet another meeting. The third one that morning. 

    When his office door opened, he sat up straight, fixing his shirt and making himself look presentable. Kay entered with a young man following close behind her. 

    "Sir, this is Ice Samajarn. He is the head of the marketing team with Samajarn industries." Kay introduced him. 

    Tharn stood to his feet and they bowed to one another before shaking hands. "It's great that you could meet with me." Ice said shaking his hand. 

    Tharn gestured for him to sit in the chair next to him and Kay headed back to her desk, closing the door behind her. "Not a problem. So, Mr. Samajarn, what is it that I can do for you?" 

    Ice smiled and waved his hand. "Please, call me Ice. And, it's not what you can do for me, it's what we can do for each other. As you probably know, my father's company, Samajarn Industries, had worked with your fathers company in the past." 

    Tharn shook his head. "I run a completely different company then my fathers." 

    Ice nodded and looked around Tharn's office a bit. "You do indeed. You see, collaborating with your father's company helped my father raise high in the ranks, making him now the seventh richest man in Thailand. But, of course, that was just due to cross promoting." He stood up from his seat and placed his hands in his pockets as he began to walk around, admiring the painting on his wall. "Now, we want to do something bigger. Tharn, if I may call you that, we have decided to think bigger and better." 

    Tharn intertwined his fingers, resting his hands underneath his chin. "How much bigger and better?" 

    "Since your father's company has since died down, you are now one of the leading men. We are both automobile companies, so naturally we should be enemies, but I don't see it that way. Neither does my father. That is why we want to collaborate with you. With the technology we use in our cars and the durability of your cars, we could build a super car together. Co-branding, if you will." Ice explained, turning back to look at Tharn with a wide smile. 

    "So, essentially, you want to use my business for yours to do better." Tharn stated. 

    Ice shrugged. "It's a win-win situation." He placed his hands on the edge of Tharn's desk and leaned forward. "So, what do you think." 


    Back at home, Tharn sat in his office, looking through some of the sells and statistics from Samajarn Industries. He had just gotten off of a two hour phone call with the head of marketing from his own company to discuss if this would be a good collaboration. He really just wanted to go to bed and sleep the next few hours away, but when his phone rang and Type's picture appeared, he immediately felt happier.

    "Hey." Tharn answered with a smile. 

    Type chuckled on the other end. "I was just about to lay down and I was thinking of you." 

    "Oh yeah?" Tharn asked, his smiling changing to a smirk. "What were you thinking about." 

    "How much of a pervert you are." He answered with a scoff. 

    Tharn chuckled and leaned back in his chair, looking up at the sky. "What time does your flight land tomorrow?"

    "Around noon, I think. You don't have to pick me up. I can have Techno come and get me. I know he'll be happy to." 

    "I know, but I want to see you." 

    Type chuckled. "And you will. I'll have Techno drop me off at the company."

    "Okay. Deal, but tomorrow night, I have a surprise for you." Tharn told him. 

    "What kind of a surprise?" 

    "The kind that won't be a surprise if I tell you. Just trust me, you're gonna love it." 

    Type laughed. "Okay. So, tell me. How was your day? Anything happening at the company?" He questioned, not ready to get off the phone with him yet.

    "Yeah, actually. I had a meeting with the head of a marketing from another company. They want to do a collaboration." Tharn told him. 

    "Really? Is that good? Are you going to agree to it?" 

    Tharn shrugged and let out a sigh. "I don't know. My head of marketing wants to meet with him, so we're setting up another meeting to take place in a couple of days. But you don't want to hear about that stuff." 

    "Sure I do. I like listening to your voice. Tell me a story." Type requested. 

    Tharn chuckled and nodded. "Okay. Um, before we met, there was only one person I had come close to loving. After him and I had ended things, I decided to go into college and close myself off from things like that, so I didn't get my heart broken again. Of course," He said, chuckling again. "That only lasted for about a week. Cause, I mean, once I saw you I knew you had to be mine. The way you played football. They way you laughed. They way you held yourself. I was surprised when you flirted back the first time. You were the straightest guy I knew. All the girls wanted you and I was sure you wanted all the girls, but no. You only wanted me. You only saw me. I knew from the night of out first kiss that you were going to be a big part in my life. And I couldn't have been more right, you know that?" There was no answer from the other end. "Type?" He heard light snoring and smiled to himself. "I love you, Type. Goodnight." 

     He hung up his phone and set it on his desk. He couldn't wait for tomorrow. 


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