My Moon #8

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"The unknown Lover"

I've been inlove with you,
I've been watching you from afar,
I wish I'm like those girls
That can come near you.

I'm your admirer for years.
Those years, I'm unknown.
I'm your lover, my moon!
Sadly, I'm just a stranger to you.

You're up there, I'm here.
No matter how hard I try
I can't reach you,
You're out of my reach.

I'm shy, I can't shine
I'm dull, dark and my light is dim.
But you are so bright,
Even my life, you light it up.

Your with those stars,
Beautiful luminous stars.
I'm just an unknown lover,
Covered with your sea of lovers.

Will I ever get a chance?
Will I ever be noticed?
Will I ever shine too?
Will my existence be know to you?
Tell me my moon...


My Moon (PUBLISHED UNDER TBC PUBLICATIONS)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ