chapter 8: Learning about who you are.

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(Y/N P.O.V)

When I woke up this morning I looked around my room for my clock. The time read ten forty eight. 'Did daddy and papa sleep in?' I wondered to myself. I pushed my covers off and got out of bed walking over to my dresser to start getting ready. I brushed my hair and changed into casual clothes for the day. I grabbed my book and headed down the stairs when I heard papa talk "Crowley we must tell her" "No Angel! We can't yet. We don't know fully understand her yet!" Daddy replied. 'Papa and daddy don't understand who I am?' I thought to myself.

I slowly walked down the rest of the stairs "morning papa morning daddy" I said with my usual smile "oh good morning dear!" Papa said quickly smiling. Daddy didn't say anything which started to worry me. I sat at the table and opened my book. It was a big one about powers angels and demons could have. Papa and daddy didn't know I had taken the book from the library without papa seeing. Papa soon joined me at the table with my breakfast "papa I don't want porridge!" I whined looking at it "well it's healthy and good for you!" Papa said smiling as he tired to covince me (which wasn't working at all) I groaned and stared at it "I wanted lucky charms" I said and clicked my fingers. A bright light appeared and where porridge once sat was a bowl of lucky charms! Papa looked shocked and worried. "This isn't good" he mumbled as daddy walked over. He picked up my book and sighed "where did you get this?" He asked. I just looked away.

(Time skip Crowley P.O.V)

I sat looking at the book (Y/N) had taken from our library. Yes they were curious but they should of asked. I heard small foot steps and turned to face her "so you wanna know more?" I asked her. She nodded as she looked at her feet "I'm sorry daddy" I heard her small voice say. I signed and patted the seat next to me. "You are half demon half Angel, we don't really know the extent of your powers yet, we are worried about you and your safety. Please know we want to tell you more but you must not use this power all the time or you will lose it" I warned her getting a small nod in response. I pulled her into my lap and smiled while shaking my head "what an I gonna do with you huh?"

I'M BACK AND NOT DEAD. I am so so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever but I'll get back into the swing of it. Thank thank you for sticking around! See you guys next update!

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