Chapter 6: Meeting Beezlbub

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(Your P.O.V)

I woke up and sat up taking a look around my room. I noticed on my desk was a box "Huh?" I got out of bed and walked over to the strange box. I opened it to find an outfit much like daddy's. I put on the black jeans, white shirt and smaller version of my daddy's leather jacket. I looked over to my mirror and smiled twirling and giggling "sounds like someone is excited" daddy said opening my door. "Yes daddy I'm excited!" I smiled and nodded making daddy smile "let's get breakfast and go ok?" I took daddy's hand as we walked to the kitchen where papa was making breakfast "are you excited darling?" Papa asked giving me my breakfast "yes papa" I started to eat my breakfast.

(Crowley P.O.V)
I watched (Y/n) eat her breakfast as I turned to Angel "she's gonna be alright with me Angel" I say putting my hand on his shoulder "I know I trust you" he smiled at me and kissed my cheek "Ewwwwww Gross!" I smiled and turned towards (Y/n) and laughed

(TIME SKIP because I writers block)

(Y/n) P.O.V
Me and daddy stood by a set of stairs that went downwards "ready sweetheart?" He asked "yes papa" I looked up at him and took his hand before we walked down. When we got to the bottom I whined reaching up for him "daddy I don't like this place" daddy picked me up and held me close to him "you're ok sweetheart I've got you" I berried my face in his chest as we walked through Hell towards where we were going.

Me and daddy got to a door and he knocked "enter!" A voice bellowed. Daddy opened the door and put me down as we walked in "ah Crowley you finally decided to let me meet your child" the person behind the desk said making me look over to them. They were surrounded by flys and had a big one on their head. "H-hello" I said from where I was hiding behind daddy's legs "so you are (Y/n)?" I nodded "it's ok princess you're ok" I stepped out from behind him.  "h-hello beezl-beezul-beezl" I struggle to say the name "beezabubble!" I smile and look up at daddy and beezabubble "I said that right?" Beezabubble sighed and just nodded "alright just sit down"

(Time skip)

Me and daddy left Beezabubble and headed home I couldn't wait to tell papa what happened. As soon as we got in I ran over to papa and hugged him "papa I met Beezabubble today and they were awesome!" (Dunno if they're a boy or girl)  papa laughed and picked me up carrying me to my bedroom for bed "I'm glad you had fun sweetie now time for bed" papa helped me get into my pajamas and tucked me in. "Good night sweetie sleep well" he walked out the room turning off the light and closing the door.

I know it sucks I've got bad writer's block. I'll update when i can.

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