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Sophie woke with a start. She sighed as she looked around. She was still in her bedroom at Havenfield. Her dreams had been especially vivid that night; she had, had having flashbacks of her kidnapping with Dex.

As she was getting up, she tripped over her memory log and fell. Sophie out her right hand out to break her fall, and when she landed on the floor, it hurt. A lot. She hobbled over to her bathroom to see in a better light what she had done. She grimaced when she saw the black and blue bruise.

"Great. Just great." Sophie grumbled.

She got dressed for the day, and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"What'd you do?" Asked her adoptive mother Edaline when she saw the bruise.

" I fell and hit my hand. " Sophie replied.

Edaline have her a sympathetic look, then said, "Well I hope it doesn't hurt much."  Then conjured up some breakfast for her.

She gratefully sat down and started eating her breakfast. Sophie was still sore from yesterday when Grady has made her bathe the vermilion. Which meant running around getting stuff and stretching up to reach the high places.

"Well I've got to get to Foxfire." Sophie said standing up. She walked out the door and saw the gnomes harvesting some sort of green plant. She wrinkles her nose in distaste. It looked like lettuce from the Forbidden Cities. When she had lived there, she has tried to get out of eating it whenever she could.

Sophie held her pathfinder up to the light and it whisked her away. When she got to Foxfire, she performed the usual rituals for the the morning then trudged to class.

After school, she hailed Keefe and asked him to come over.

"What do you want?" Keefe asked when he got there. Sophie was hurt. But at least that was a demonstration of what wanted to tell him about.

" Keefe, " Sophie began, "aren't you noticing that were fighting?"

" I don't know Foster, it down at look like we are. Unless you want to. " he put his fists up to his face in a traditional fighting stance and punched the air.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Seriously Keefe! We keep lashing out on each other. Like when you got here you said, 'what do you want.' Isn't that weird?"

"Yeah, but we could just be having a bad day."

Sophie out her hands on her hips. "for a week?" He shrugged. " come on Keefe! We've got to figure out why we're acting like this! "

"Listen, Foster, you go ahead and look for something that isn't real, and I'll go back to do whatever I was doing before you dragged me here." Keefe faced her defiantly.

Sophie was bewildered. "Keefe! Did you not just hear what you said? It's simple. We. Are. Fighting."

"Well if your so sure that we're fighting, then find out what caused it. Maybe it's just because it don't like you! " Keefe stared at her almost as if he was daring her to retaliate.

"Well I don't like you either! Ann d I wouldn't care if I never saw your stupid face ever again!" Sophie screeched.

"I don't have a problem with never seeing your face ever again either!" Keefe yelled in return.

" Fine! "


Then Keefe stormed out the doorway. Sophie stubbed at what happened, ran upstairs to her bedroom.

"He's so mean!" She yelled and flung Ella across the wall. After a moment she ran over and the the stuffed elephant like there was nothing else in the world . She knew her reaction was childish but she didn't want to forgive Keefe.

A moment later, Grady and Edaline rushed into her room.

"Is something wrong?" Asked Edaline anxiously. "We saw Keefe come out of the house looking angry."

"Yup." Sophie replied . "It was 'That Boy.'

Grady looked taken back of her use of 'That Boy. ' "Well if you ever need anything we're here." Grady told her.

" I know. "

When they left her room, she ran over to her bed and picked up her memory log flipping through the pages, trying to find anything that might clue her in to why she and Keefe were fighting.

Sophie saw that on a recent memory, about a week ago, she drank some weird tasting water. Sophie was stick still and she remembered what happened.

Cliffhanger!!! Sorry this is late too. Have you figured out why Keefe and Sophie are fighting? Well you'll find out in the next chapter!

Word count: (805)


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