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Sophie stumbled through the grass as she rushed to the Healing Center. Elwin had told her that Keefe had shown signs of waking up. She had left when Fitz offered to let her take a break-(and a shower)- and she'd taken it. Now she wished she hadn't.

"How is he?" Sophie asked breathlessly.

"His vitals are strong and he's been stirring my quite a bit, so it might be awhile before he wakes up." Elwin informed her smiling.

She smiled and took a seat next to Keefe and started to open her thoughts to his. As she was doing this, however, Ro barged in.

"Is he awake?" She demanded.

Sophie shook her head. " No. But Elwin thinks he'll wake up soon. "


Fitz came into the room. "How's he doing?"

Sophie told him everything Elwin told her and he was soon caught up.

Biana burst through the doors. "I heard he was waking up. Is it true?"

"We think he'll wake up soon and before I tell how's he doing, I think we should hail everyone else so they can come. "

They quickly hailed Dex, Linh, Tam, Marella, and Wylie.
They arrived soon and Sophie told them everything.

"Don't you think it's weird that he's still asleep?" Linh asked.
" I'm not sure. " Sophie admitted.

"Well I know.something." Dex told them. "When he is awake, he's going to pester us about everything! "

Elwin laughed. "You've got that right."

" I think I'm going to look in his head. "Sophie said.

"Like that down at sound creepy at all. " Marella grumbled.
Sophie ignored her and dived in. He was currently dreaming about dancing cookies. And somehow Sophie was there dancing with the cookies. She didn't know why she was as there, but it was funny to watch. In Keefe's dreams, he had captured he clumsiness only a little bit. She would do the right moves and only every once in awhile stumble.

Sophie came out.

Her friends faces were eagerly awaiting good news. "Nothing changed. " She reported. Their face's fell.

Tam sighed. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I kinda miss Keefe."

"Ok, ok when he wakes up I am totally telling him that!" Dex exclaimed.

Sophie looked away. Sometimes she thought that he would never wake up.

She looked at Keefe. He looked so beautiful with his eyes closed, his hair falling over his forehead.

Sophie started. Why was she thinking about these things? She didn't like Keefe. (A/N or does she?)

"Look!" Biana said pointing at Keefe.

She turned around quickly spreading at Keefe. His eyes were fluttering open. Then they stayed open.

"Sophie. You're here." He managed to say. Then he fell asleep.

Sophie heart about melted but didn't know why. She joined her friends in asking Elwin about Keefe soon knowing that even though he had been asleep for weeks, it was not true sleep and Keefe was exhausted.

Everyone else left Sophie with them and when she laid down at night she pondered the days events.

Eee! First chapter. I hope you like it. Don't you think our little Sophie is too oblivious for her own good? Too true too true.

Word count: (530)

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