Fifth Name: Take off~!

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---Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight @5-3E with service from Tokyo to Wyoming. We are currently firstin line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately 5 minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and...---

The sounds of passengers boarding the plane and the announcements all through the area was a new experience to Tsuyu and Bakugo. With Tsuyu sitting on the right window seat and Bakugo right next to her, it was quite interesting. Faye was sitting next to Bakugo since she usually needed to get out of her seat from time to time.

"Guysssss! It's this exciting?!"

Faye seemed to be the only one happy at the moment.

"How can an airplane ride be fun?!"

Tsuyu looked at her phone.

"Oh! I got a text from Midoriya!"

"What?! That idiot Deku?"

She glanced at Bakugo before looking at the message Midoriya sent.

--Hey Tsu-chan! Good luck on the internship with Kacchan! Everyone will miss you!--

Tsuyu also looked at the photo he sent.


It was a selfie picture taken by Midoriya with everyone in it. Eri looked quite sad in the photo but she smiled anyway. Tsuyu replied all cheerfully and put her phone away.

"Ohhhh! Did you get a picture? Tsuyu?" Faye asked.

Tsuyu smiled defeatedly.

'Why is everyone so spot on today?'

"Yeah, I did-Kero."

And as they were talking, the plane started to move.

--Cabin Crew, Prepare for take off--


As the plane started to rise into the air, Faye looked as happy as ever. Tsuyu was enjoying the view outside the window. And Bakugo...

"BLARRRGGGHSSHH.... *cough* *cough*"

Was throwing up like crazy in the bag.

"Who knew that one of the strongest students in the school would have airsickness?" Faye said.

"Isn't this a big problem?" Tsuyu asked nervously.

"Probably not. This flight will be over soon enough!"

Tsuyu glanced at Bakugo before looking at Faye again.



And even gliding in the air, it didn't stop at all. Most people didn't seem affected by it since they had their headphones in.

'Does Bakugo really have airsickness? Wouldn't he tell us the moment Faye-san said that we were going to America?'

Tsuyu scratched her head.

''s not airsickness? It's something else causing it?'

Wanting to pry on a little more, she decided to wait till 'night time' so that everyone would sleep. As time passed, eventually everyone started to sleep(even Bakugo) so Tsuyu sprang into action. As she made her way out of her seat, she heard some chatting going about near the washrooms. Wondering about what they were talking about, Tsuyu decided to use her 'camouflage' to slip through the flight attendants, and head inside the washroom without anyone noticing. Kneeling down, she pressed her ear on the door and eavesdropped on the conversation.

"So it really did work huh?"

"I bet that they are so worried right now."

"Should we try it on the frog girl?"

"How about Faye Idine?

"I'm not sure, we need enough toxic chemicals for it to work on both of them."

'EHhhh? Toxic Chemicals!? That was the cause? And why are they trying to kill us!?'

In Tsuyu's mind, it must have been a person with a quirk that can emit the chemicals. But something else bugged her.

'Why did it only work on Bakugo-chan? Is he like different?'

Tsuyu pondered for a moment and after she went out of the washroom.

"Oh! Tsuyu! You were here!"

She jumped.

"F-Faye-san! What are you-"

She put her finger on her lips.

"When I woke up, I smelled this weird substance in the air and decided to check it out! It may have been the reason behind Bakugo's vomiting, you think?"

Tsuyu now felt 100kg fall on top of her head since her comment was correct.

'How on earth did she know that? Was she here when the flight attendants were talking? Or maybe-'


Before Tsuyu could finish her inner thought, Faye held someone up by the collar.

"Found him."

She said with a smile.

Tsuyu had the most surprised look ever that she couldn't even say what was on her mind.



"Hey...What's up with this one?! I'm feeling all better but she's feeling worse?!"

Faye patted Tsuyu's head.

"Maybe she's just confused," Faye said with a smirk.

"Okay then..."

Tsuyu almost collapsed on the ground before Faye helped her stand up. She still had that shocked expression on her face which surprised Bakugo as well.

'Things have been becoming weird since Faye-san got here... What is going on?'

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