His vital organ was only tugged and teased more as the group of six strode out of the building, Haley and Niall giggling together. He was happy for them of course, but there were still nights when Louis would lie awake, imagining what it would be like if Haley was his. Hell, there were even moments when he had the fuck it all mindset and just went and acting jokingly coupley with her, the recent lap-crushing incident a comparably mild case. He had no intentions of interfering with their relationship, he would never do that to them again, but he couldn’t honestly say the thought never crossed his mind.

Haley looked over her shoulder and back at Louis as they neared the exit, bracing themselves for the paps and screaming girls. Louis quickly masked his ogling with a smug grin, the boys sticking close to each other so as not to get hurt or lost in the mob. Niall kept a tight grip on Haley, Harry also placing his hand on the small of her back and keeping her close to him. Louis ached to keep her safe like that, but alas, he knew he just had to grin and bear it. He tried to distract himself from them burning need for Haley with the somber memories of Julia and how he had lost her forever. A definite sadness was easier to deal with than a sadness lined with the hope of alternate endings that were possible but not at all probable.

Harry and Megan, on the other hand, were quite the opposite. In fact, as soon as everyone was safely in the black van, (Haley sat in between Niall and Louis in the back with Zayn between Liam and Harry in the middle row) Harry immediately had his phone out to text Megan. They weren’t trying to hold up a long distance relationship, but they were still staying very close and always staying in touch. Harry missed her immensely, and he would often stay up very late just to talk to her. His body regretted it in the morning, but he knew he would never stop; anything it took to keep her close.

Megan also quite enjoyed their exchanges, as she missed Harry so much she was beginning to dream about him on a nightly basis. She zoned out in class, daydreaming about where he was and what he was doing. She was upset with herself for getting so attached, but at that point she was too in love to care. The bond was breaking due to distance, but they refused to give up on each other.

Liam and Sydney were both becoming very eager for time to fly, as there was only one day until he went to pick her up from the airport. He sat next to Zayn in the van, a smile stuck on his face as he texted Sydney, telling her about the interview. His heart fluttered at the very thought of seeing Sydney again, looking into her shining meadow green eyes. It had been months since he had seen a light like that in her eyes, and the yearning was just becoming more and more dire as the time slowly winded down.

Haley sighed lightly, strangely fatigued, and checked the time on her phone. It was only nine at night. She let out a small groan and buried her face in Niall’s neck. “Aww, what’s wrong?” he asked playfully.

“Why am I tired when it’s so freaking early?” she asked, looking up at him with big golden eyes. He smiled down at her lovingly, admiring every freckle on her face.

He didn’t notice Louis eyeing them enviously from right next to them.

“Are you sleepy, love?” he asked adoringly.

“Tired, sleepy, same thing,” she mumbled as she resituated herself so that her head was in Niall’s lap and her legs were sprawled across Louis’ lap. A small smile crept onto Louis’ face, but he turned and looked out the window so Haley and Niall couldn’t tell. Niall didn’t notice, as he was too caught up in Haley, but Haley could see his reflection in the window. She smiled to herself over her personal secret; the fact that she still sometimes thought back to her and Louis’ tiny little “experiment” fondly, and knowing he probably did too. She knew it was selfish, but she just couldn’t help herself. She tossed the thought aside and closed her eyes, snuggling into Niall’s side. She smiled to herself even more when Louis subtly rubbed her calves.

Life wasn’t flawless for them all, but it was wonderfully imperfect. They were taking it one step at a time, day by day, and appreciating everything they had. There were ups and downs, but those were to be expected, and they got through them together. There were a few bumps in the road, but at the end of the day life was pretty good.

And none of them would ever forget that first summer together.

~Don't forget me, for we shall meet again.~


Well shit.

But! Don't worry one part is still left. :(


Instagram; @http.oceanbreeze

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