| 9 | • Mornings •

354 13 8

Kakashi POV

I blinked once.
Three times, and yet I still couldn't comprehend what she just asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

'KAKA-BAKA YOU IDIOT! DON'T SAY "HuH?" YOU LOOK STUPID IN FRONT OF HER!' I mentally thought, and facepalmed.

(Y/n) POV

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked!" I hurriedly apologized.
"No, no!" He said. "If you'd like, I'd gladly let you stay at my apartment!"
"Really?" I looked at him blankly. "I mean thank you!" Waving my hands around everywhere, I was blushing like crazy.


After that awkward moment, I had finally agreed to stay at his apartment. We had to go and get my things from my apartment, which was a lot of work. Eventually, I moved out of my apartment, and into Kakashi's. We agreed that I would stay there for about a month; he didn't mind.

"Alright." Kakashi said, going to stand at my bedroom door. "Finally, we finished it. It's late. Let's go to bed, yeah?"

"Goodnight then." I replied, snuggling into bed.

"Night." He whispered, closing the door.


The sunlight beamed on my face, shining through the window. The light waking me up.

I yawned, getting out of bed, and putting on my kitty slippers, walking out of my room.

'7:15..' I thought. 'Ughhh, too early. Kakashi's not up yet, sooo..'

I decided to make some breakfast for us. Making us some grilled fish, and steamed rice, I finished, and put the plates on the table.

"Kakashi, breakfast is ready." I said softly, knocking at his bedroom door.

It opened up to reveal Kakashi (and his messy hair).

We sat down at the table.

"Thank you for the food!" We said in sync.

"What's your plans today?" I asked him, trying to make a conversation.

"The usual. Read Make Out Paradise, go to the training grounds late, let Naruto scold me, come up with an excuse, let Naruto scold me again, allow Sakura to hurt him, train them.. well just tell them what to do and go sit under a tree reading Make Out Paradise again, training ends, I come back home, but instead run into Guy, he forces me into one of his idiotic challenges, I win, come home, but this time I actually make it home, eat dinner, more Make Out Paradise, how about you?" He gave me a closed eyed smile.

"You're a terrible person, you know that?"

Hey guys, new chapter! So I wanted to show you what Kakashi, and (Y/n)'s mornings are like most of the time, so yeah!


-Kami H.

426 Words

C A T A S T R O P H I C | k. hatake (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now