| 2 | • Inception •

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3rd POV
Academy Arc

Kakashi's been acting weird lately. He stopped coming to school.
"Did you hear? It seems that Kakashi's dad died, that's why he stopped coming to school." Someone gossiped.


I heared what happened to Kashi's father. I felt terrible. Committed suicide, and left his child all alone. I knew how he felt. I didn't have parents myself.



Fire everywhere.

Followed by screams calling for help.

I was only 3.

"MOM, DAD HELP! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I was alone. My parents went to the market not too far from here. I ran as fast as I could, looking for them.
That's when I saw it.

Two bloody bodies beneath rubble.
"No..." I said. "It can't be.."...

They were my parents. I had no siblings nor any friends. People weren't very fond of me.
My father abused me. Even though this only happens when he was drunk, it was no excuse. The next day he would wake up worried, and nervous what happened to me.
"Fell off some stairs" I would lie. "tripped and fell" or "it's from training too hard".
I knew he only did it on mistake. Still.

Then there was my mom. She was kind. She cared. Then she cared a little too much. It was suspicious. Though I always shrugged it off thinking, 'thats what mom's do.'

Seeing them in this state made me realize. They don't deserve this. Not one bit.
-End of Flashback-

My parents were shinobi. That's why I wanted to become one to carry on their legacy.
'I should go see Kakashi today' I thought.

-Timeskip After School-

I was walking on the way to Kakashi's home. 'Hopefully he's okay.' I thought. I always cared for Kakashi. Likewise, as much as he hated showing it, he cared for me as well.

I finally arrived at his house. I knocked once....no answer. I did it again.....no answer. 'Maybe he's not here.' Just to be sure I went in, luckily it was unlocked. "Kakashi?" I called. I walked around the house until I got to a certain room. That's where I saw him. Standing there. Just looking towards the floor. "Kakashi..." I whispered. He didn't respond. He's just staring.

Moving closer to him, I put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "What do you want (Y/N)" He asked his tone more uninterested than usual. "Why?" I asked. "Why are you just...looking?" He wasn't looking at the floor normally. He looked somber. I didn't have to see it though; I could feel it. We were best friends after all. "This is where my dad..." he trailed off. "Committed suicide." I felt bad. 'I shouldn't have asked....'

"If you ever need someone Kakashi-"

"I know." He finished for me. "I know you'll be there for me."

"Always." I responded. 'I should let him mourn in peace.'

"I'll go."

That's exactly what I did. I left.

That was years ago.

'Oh yeah'

'I also remember his death..'

Team Minato Arc

The cave was collapsing. We we're running, trying to get out of the cave. Sadly, the world seemed against us. During the previous battle, Kakashi lost sight in his left eye. He fell due to lack of sight, all the movement, he simply couldn't concentrate.

C A T A S T R O P H I C | k. hatake (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now