Chapter 1: Miranda

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Charlie pov

It was already 15 years since i runned away from flamex. I miss my best friends Talia and Auriana. Before the war we never were alone we always had each other. But then the war started and they all went away. Of course i kow they escaped but they left me. they were probably thinking i was dead. But i wasn't! I also survived but i stayed in Flamex for another year. after i escaped myself.

"Hey Charlie did you heard about lolirock that is coming to this town??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", my friend Raquelle or more like adoptive sister said.

" i heard about it", i said. "ugh! Why aren't you more happy! Didn't you say that you, Talia and Auriana were best friends?", Raquelle said. "that was a long time ago. i don't even know if they remember me.", i said.

"Why would they want to be friends with a freak like you?", an all to annoying voice behind us.

"Miranda how lovely to see you. Not", said Raquelle. "You know my mom said that they will be staying with us. Unlike you peasents we have all what we need and-" Miranda was cut off by me in a calm voice saying: " I don't care how rich you are Miranda you aren't that different from anyone in here ,  you are simply also a human being like the rest of us so why being the point in being mean?"

before we all knew what was happening she pushed me on the floor and slapped me in the face.

" I am different because i have anything i want! I have friends an amazing school because i can bully you and at least both my parents that l-l-love me!", the bully said. And then she walked off.

" I really hate that woman. Only because she is all rich and 'perfect' she thinks that she is all beter then us. tch it's ridiculous.", Raquelle said. "You aren't the only one who hates her R R. I am still wondering why she is always stuttering by the mention of her parents. It is pretty weird isn't it?", i said. " It is weird that's for sure but whatever happens between her and them are not really our bussiness is it?" "Guess not..."

-somewhere in the woods-

After our stupid encounter with that girl i was walking in the woods. you see i always walk in the woods to clear my mind if i had an encounter with her.

remember i said that Raquelle was my adopted sister? When i escaped Flamex i landed on this planet called 'Earth', i was walking down the streets crying because i possibly lost my mother and father then i came across a kind man and his daughter. of course Raquelle is the only one who knows my real idenity and were i'm from but say it: i was a kid and didn't knew better. and since then i am living here in New York. 

"h-h-elp m-m-me", a voice said. i runned towards the person who that voice belonged to. I saw a boy around my age with purple hair and a green costume. I know that clothing from, he is a citizin from Ephedia! 

"Oh boy this isn't good", i said. when i came closer to him he had burn wounds and lost a lot of blood. 

"hey hey! You need to breath ok? focus on your breathing. Count with me 1,2,3", i said in an ettempt to calm him down. He did what was told and catched his breathing again and then i hold him and brought him to my house.

-at her house-

"Crystal repero!" i said. he healed but not completely. "i guess that we need to do this the old fashion way don't we?" right after i said that the boy begun to wake up.

"were am i? Wait.... who are you! What are you doing? are you working toghether with those princessess???????", Jesus this guy has a lot of questions. 

"Ok first of all my name is Charlie, second i am healing you and i have no idea of what princesses you are talking about. And what about you? Do you have a name?", i said.

"Why should i tell you my name?", he said annoyed. "I get that you may not trust me and you have the right to but i healed you", i said calm but annoyed. " I'm still not going to tell you a thing! But i suppose i need to say thank u for saving my life." 

"your welcome mister.

-in Sunny Bay-  

third pov

"Iris and Auriana! Is it really a good idea to leave Sunny Bay with Praxina that can attack at any moment?", Talia said. the three girls got a chance to go to New York. 

" Talia this is New York we are talking about! This is probably the first and the last chance that we are getting! I already can see it. the shops, the clothing, the statue of liberty...", the red-head Auriana said. 

"well we were told that we all are alouwd to bring one person with us so everyting is going to be alright. right? I mean what could go wrong with bringing our friends with us? If we are bringin them with us Praxina can't hurt them right?", the blond girl named Iris said.

"I am with Talia leaving in the middle of a fight would be dumb", a girl named Carissa said.

"fine we are going", said Talia totally ignoring what Carissa had said. 

-when they arrive in New York-

"Wow! It is even more amazing then on the pictures!", an overjoyed Doug said.

"Welcome in New York Lolirock! My name is Miranda and you would be staying with our family! Isn't that great! you people must be pleased to be staying with us! let me show you around", the bully said.

The girls and the boys already saw what kind of person she would be and while they were walking the girls just could not shut up about her family and herself and the friends became sick of it.

But little did two of them know they would see a familiar face.

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