Chapter 9: Surprise

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Praxina surely enjoyed seeing the princesses almost defeated and suffering, she isn't going to kill them though. First she is gonna make sure that their loved ones die infront of them, after that she is gonna make them see illusions of the deaths. In other words, she isn't going to kill them in general. She is just gonna make them suffer just like she did. And when the time is there, she truly is going to kill them. But the princesses wouldn't notice of course.

'Time for them to know how it feels like to lose someone you care about' she thought the 'they' clearly meaning the princesses. She is going to have so much fun with this. She finally can have her revenge. Unknown to her, help is on it's way. And she also clearly doesn't know that the people that are coming for her is someone that she won't expect at all. But the question is, is it going to be enough for her to stop all this madness? Well, we are about to find out.

Charlie panted as she and Mephisto arrived at the park. For now they didn't see Praxina not the 2 sisters. Mephisto looked around, he didn't saw them either. And they didn't saw the princesses either. 

"Don't tell me that we are to late..." Charlie muttered. No! This couldn't be happening! She refuses to exept it! No one is going to die today! 

"We have to find something! They can't be dead! I refuse yo exept it!" Charlie said absorbing the fire. Well, she is the princess of FLAMEX, so it is normal for her to be skilled with fire and shit. She soon absorbed all the fire around her. And what the 2 saw... 

The entire park is burned down as expected, but what disturbed all of them is that they all saw burned and dead bodies. Charlie rushed to them looking if someone was at least was still alive. Unfortunately for her, none of that is the case. 

"GUYS!" she yelled looking for them. She hoped that her friends aren't dead and that they are still here somewhere.

Mephisto didn't know what hit him, but he started to help loooking for them. He might not like them , but he wasn't heartless, he didn't want people to die at all. Especially not at the hands of his sister. Talking about her, they have to find them fast.

"I can't believe that i failed... Why did i ever gave up my role as a princess!? I'm supposed to protect people, but instead i got people killed! I wasn't strong enough... I am not strong enough... If i could transform earlier, we might have been on time, but we are not... I'm so sorry...", Charlie said crying.

Mephisto looked at the girl. He couldn't believe what he is gonna say now.

He grabbed her by the shoulders. "Don't you dare saying that! You are a princess who made a mistake so what? Many people make mistakes right? Don't blame yourself for their deaths. If there is one person to blame then it's Praxina and her helpers", Mephisto said trying to calm Charlie down.

Charlie felt somewhat at ease hearing those words, but that doesn't mean she is going to stop blaming herself all of sudden.

"Right... Let's just keep looking, we can't risk them killing more people can we?", Charlie said going to another place.

"TALIA! AURIANA! IRIS! KATRINA! MIRANDA!? WHERE ARE YOU ALL?", Charlie yelled. From far away, she finally saw them.

"There they are!", Mephisto said going to them. Praxina wasn't there though. She was secretely hiding so she could kill Charlie. That is going to be the first step of her revenge.

"If it isn't the princess with the better life! How you like us now? We are just like you now! We finally have something that you have!", Miranda yelled at them.

"You think i have a better life you bitch!? I have lost my ENTIRE family! I had to hide my true selves from people! I had to endure you! I have lost my people! I have lost everything! If I didn't knew any better, i was the one that is jealous of you! But then the news came up with your parents. You also didn't have a great life it seems! I finally realized why you did all this shit, but that doesn't mean you can go around and kill people! It is not right at all!", Charlie said standing now right in front of them.

"Who cares!? You still had Raquelle and Quinn while the only thing we had was being beaten up by our parents! Don't you dare compare your life to ours if you don't know the pain of being unloved!", Katrina said looking angry.

The other three princesses didn't know what to do. They already were so weakened, and if it wasn't for Praxina, they would be sure that Miranda and Katrina would have killed them.

"You are right, i shouldn't... But that doesn't give you a reason to hurt innocent people either. Come on guys... We can fix this mess. Sure you would be facing a punishment for the people you have killed, but it is never to late to do the right thing...", Charlie said, trying to get closer to them.

"Stop with your bullshit, i... We know that you don't like us after all the bullshit we have done to you! And now that we have done this, there is absolutely no way that you could forgive us now! Plus, we don't even want forgiveness!", Miranda said, her eyes glowing red. 

There was absolutely no doubt that they tried to attack her. 

Mephisto didn't want her to get hurt, so he made a shield around her. Of course it was strong enough as Miranda and Katrina their power was not as strong as his.

The other three princesses looked shocked. They know that color crystal from everywhere. After all, they did fight with him constantly.

They looked to where the power came from. And they were right. They could only mutter one name, or they rather yelled it.


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