Chapter 10: defeated

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"Sorry Princesses, explanations would have to wait. Unless you want to be killed by those crazy people, i suggest you all go get some rest", Mephisto said. He couldn't believe he was actually helping his enemies. He didn't even know why he did it. Was it because they were Charlie's friends? He doesn't know.

"Who the hell are you!? Are you that bitch her boyfriend or something?! Wow, Charlotte Flame actually managed to get into a relationship!", Miranda laughed.

Both Charlie and Mephisto blushed at that. If the others weren't in such a terrible condition, their jaw would have been wide open.

"First off, don't call me Charlotte, you know how much i hate that name, second: no we are not! And third: you better stop with this right now. I am done doing it the nice way!", Charlie said growing more angry with the minute.

"Charlie! There you are!", a voice from behind them all said. Everyone was shocked to see Raquelle and Quinn.

"W-what!? What are these people doing here? I know humans are idiots but I didn't know they would bring it to the point of coming in a whole flame field!" Mephisto said. Charlie didn't say anything on the matter but was also pretty much curious as of why they are here.

"If you can't convince them, then you have to fight them! There is no other choice! You can't do this my way! So be yourself and fix it how you would do it!" Raquelle yelled at her as she helped the other princesses up.

'Doing it my way? I think she doesn't know that i am not able to use my full power because... Right... Cause i am plane scared of them... I am scared that history is going to repeat itself... i'm scared that i am not going to be able to protect everyone... That's why my transformation didn't work a few moments ago...', Charlie thought as she realized.

"Yeah Charlie, do it your way! Show the world that you are no different then us! Show them that you are some magical being that hurts others to get what you want! Go ahead, do it!", Katrina yelled as she and Miranda were on the point of attacking her again.

"Don't listen to them princess, they are just trying to mess with your mind. They are trying to feel you hopeless. Just know that none of this is your fault and it never ever will be! It is all just something to make you feel bad! Don't forget that this is all my sister's fault!'', Mephisto said as he went to attack the evil pair himself.

While they were being distracted, Quinn and Raquelle could get the others out of there. They did wonder where Praxina is though. They had a guess that she went to the ones she has held captive. 

'They are right... I shouldn't blame myself for this! None of this is my fault! It's that of Praxina's! She is the one that made them evil! She is the one that made them do this to innocent people! This has nothing to do with me!'

While she was thinking that, she didn't notice that her earrings were glowing though. She is almost there, she only needs a little push.

'That i couldn't protect my own people doesn't mean i can't protect the ones that aren't suffering yet! It is time to reclaim my stand!'

"Charlie, princess of Flamex!", she yelled. And just like that, her formal clothes has turned into the ones of a princess.

"You are going to regret having messed with my loved ones, bitch!" , she yelled before she joined Mephisto.

"Took you long enough! These women were about to kick my ass!", he said joining her side.

"Well, sorry for that. I had to unlock my full power somehow. This is between you and us. Bring it on ladies!", Charlie said as the two grinned.

"As you wish", they both said before attacking them with black crystals.

"Sundenna!", Charlie yelled. She might not use the usual magic the others use, but that is no where near relevant. What is relevant, is that Katrina and Miranda have to be defeated.

"I know it is crazy what i'm gonna suggest, but what if we combine light and dark? With that, we might be able to defeat them. It's our only way out", Charlie said to the younger twin. 

"Nothing in this battle is crazy, so whatever you are thinking, let's do it!", Mephisto said now standing next to her, his hand showing his magic ring same as Charlie's.

"Zedikiel, Shana Napta!", the two said as very bright light surrounded them, mixed with dark. Charlie summoned her scepter and aimed it at the two sisters.

"No! This isn't the way things are going to end! I defeated you! I did, i did, i did, i did!", Miranda yelled as she tried to attack the duo, but she didn't have much luck there.

"You don't get to win all the time! Let us win for a change goddamnit!", Katrina said, shooting a bunch of crystals at them, but it didn't work. They are gonna be outsmarted or be defeated by Charlie again. But this time she isn't going to do it alone.

"Raclir!", Charlie and Mephisto yelled as a big beam went to sister's way.

"Oh no", was their only thought before being hit by it.

"Wow! We did it! We actually did it!", Charlie jumping in joy. She hasn't done this for a very long time.

Mephisto was happy that it had worked. He liked seeing her happy.

'Wait, what? Why would i be happy for a princess? Aren't we supposed to be enemies!? What is this feeling? I don't understand...', he thought.

Mephisto then saw that a portal opened. He quickly went to hide as he had figured our rather quickly that it is the Resistance.

"Izira!", Charlie said, being happy that also she had survived.

"Charlie, it has been a long time. Right before Talia had fought those two, she had contacted me. We have to take them into custody. At least until we managed to get the dark forces away from them", Izira said. 

 Charlie didn't really need to be told twice. 

"We also will help you to fix this mess. I can't rewind time, but i can make people erase their memories from this", Izira added. Charlie nodded.

"But only when everyone is in good condition and everything is fixed"

Charlie understood. She just wanted this to be all over. But there is on thing that is still missing. Praxina.

lolirock: a new princess (season 3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin