"for how long" I asked him. "I have to talk to mayor Wilson about it first" he said putting on his glasses and getting back to work.

Demetrius P.O.V.

"Why are you still here Ramonna" I asked reverting my eyes to her from my laptop.

"I think you are being harsh and you don't see the upside about this situation" ramonna tells me.

"Really Ramonna what upside is there to this situation" I asked her sarcastically but also seriously.

" you could always use thier relationship or friendship to our advantag" Ramonna says.

"I am still not following" I tell her removing my glasses.

"We could let Kaylib get really close to Tyler and then get Tyler to warm up to him and release the secrets to the drug business and who supplies him.

personally I didn't like the idea because I had a crush on kaylib but it was a good idea but I didn't want to see kaylib being held by another man even if it was for getting the truth.

I stood up contemplating my decision. I was weighing the pros and cons of having him date Tyler or be his side. " Raymond's married" I told ramonna.

" Ugh Demetrius everyone knows that his marriage to that beauty queen is just for show and I am sure that they are cheating on each other." She said.

" you cant be sure that they are pretending to love each other."....

"Demi, Kaylib being Tyler's side boy is not only immoral and also I doubt that he would agree to it" I told her as I opened a bottle of water and gulped it down.

"I will let you think about it but trust me it's a good idea and I am sure that Tyler would open up to kaylib as quickly as a snitch would sing if offered a million dollars.

She exited my office and I was left in a very hard space of letting my feelings get the better of me or I could go with Ramonas idea and get kaylib to get Tyler to fall in love with him again.

I walked to my desk and dialed the mayor's office." Wilson we need to talk about Johnson, kaylib Jordan-Johnson" I said hanging up.

Tyler P.O.V.

Giving the valet my car keys. I asked hi. Where my wife is seated and she directed me to her. She was on her phone probably posting pictures from last night or tweeting about how she planned the club launch.

"Hey" I said while seating opposite her." Babyyyy how are you today" she asked me with a huge smile on her face. "I am good and I see You're in a good mood" I said looking through the menu.

"Ty last night the club made so much money and we gained new sponsors and also some politician wants to book the club for his daughters twenty first birthday day."

The money that the club made was alot but it was nothing small change to me compared to how much the drug business made but since my wife didn't know about the drug business I went along with her.

"Which politician" I asked drinking my coffee. " Wilson the mayor of New York" she told me. I knew who he was from TV he was the guy who got kaylib to come back to New York and investigate the drug ring.

"Ah cool book him" I told her and she smiled at me "oh darling I already did he is willing to pay per hour" she said.

Although I wasn't in love with my wife but one thing she was good at doing was looking good and making money some may call her a gold digger but I see her as a gold mine.

"Also where did you go last night, I mean one moment you were with Trevor and the next you were gone" she asked me .

"You know how I get when I am around lots of people, so my anxiety spiked and I went to the bathroom and there was a blogger who wanted to interview me so we went to my office for an interview" I lied through my teeth and she believed it.

We had our breakfast in a comfortable silence something that was common for us if we we were not talking about the club or our families we just sat quietly with eachother.

"babe me and my girlfriend's as well as my sister's we are planning on going to Atlanta for our girls weekend this weekend" she said.

I frowned because as far as I knew they took their girls trip in December and not in June " Why no don't y'all usually go in December".

"Tyler I need a break from all this, I mean from the club planning to the launch and with all the children dying from drugs I need to get away from new York" she said.

"Okay I understand" I said and she sqweild I took out my wallet and paid our bill and gave her my black card without a limit. "Have fun" I said giving her the card and she gasped.

She stood up and hugged me tightly saying thank you.

Kaylib P.OV.

While sitting in my office and reading through the drug king pins of New York trying to figure out who Tyler might be working with.

My phone got a notification and it was a text message from Tyler asking me if our plans to go and visit Mr Wright's store tomorrow were still on.

Tyler 🤔
Hey just checking if we still on 4 tmr.

Kaylib 😘
Yea mos Def. We still on.

I didn't know where my future was at with the NYPD but I just hope that mayor Wilson doesn't fire me.

Tyler p.o.v.

Smiling at my phone because I was happy that I was going to see Kaylib tomorrow and also my wife was gone for the weekend so I had freedom.

"Can I come in" Trevor said putting his head through the door. "Trevor!" I yelled happily he entered my office smiling and took a seat on the couch.

" What's up bro" he asked me smiling but I am sure that he was confused why I was happy. "Wifey is gone and I know what to do with the detective".

Trevor sar up stright and he was definitely intrested in what I wanted to say. he guesterd with his head.

"I AM GOING TO MAKE HIM FALL IN LOVE WITH ME" I said putting my feet on the table smiling.

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