Day Twenty-Four

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Your Favorite Movie and Why. 

Picking my favorite movie is really hard, because I have a couple different favorites. My favorite really recent movie would be The Maze Runner.  Most of you have probably heard about it, and it's really hard to explain in words, for me at least, so Google it. 

One that I really love and would like to share, I suppose, is either Man of Steel or The Dark Knight. I really have a thing for superhero movies which includes Superman, Batman, Thor, etc. I have so many "favorites" so these don't even cover my favorites. 

Man of Steel is a little remake of Superman, and I loved it. I'm in love with the thought of Clark Kent and his secret identity. It's just really amazing, and it's a great movie. 

The Dark Knight isn't my favorite because of the superhero thing. It's because of the Joker. I believe that Heath Ledger does an amazing job of doing the Joker, and I love it so much. I love that movie, so much, and the Joker is one of my idols. Not to be a crazy psychopath killer, but because of some of the things that he taught us. 

Anyway, today is supposed to be the last day that I'm writing for this challenge, so I'm going to try and catch up all of the way. 


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