That's Better

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Aden thought I had gone absolutely mad when I told him what I needed to do. Even after I explained that I just needed to speak to him about what actually happened so I could have some closure on this situation, he still wasn’t at all up for it. I guess I could understand because from his point he would be letting his mate {the person he loved the most in the entire world} see the crazy psycho maniac that took her away from him and hurt her. But I don’t care, I really need some explanation on this whole thing.

So that’s how we ended up in front of Green Oaks Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

“Kitty, are you sure about this?” Aden switched the car off and  took the key out of the ignition.

“Yes, I’m positive.” My voice sounded absolutely confident but inside I was an absolute mess.

“Babe, I can feel your worry. I could drive off and we could go home and forget about this right now if you want.” Aden pulled me onto his lap from my seat and put his forehead to mine.

“I have to do this. I need to this.” He closed his eyes after I said that like he was pained.

“I don’t want you to do this.”


“Ria, if he as much as breathes to loud I will kill him.”

“Okay, Aden. Can we go now?” I gave him my best pouty face. Aden sighed.

“I guess, but I’m serious.”


Jay looked horrible. As the workers walked him to the table we sat at, he looked as if he were just empty. They sat him down and then I could see the dark circles under his blue eyes that were dead like. His hair was tousled around his pale forehead. Once he saw me his eyes almost looked alive, but it was gone so fast that I didn’t know if it was ever even there.

“Hello, Isab…Ria,” he said. I felt Aden tense beside me.

“You know my name now?” I looked at him amazed.

“Yes, and I know who you are also.”

“What do you mean you know who I am?”

“I know you are not my Isabella.” Jay’s eyebrows furrowed together as if he was going to cry.

“Who is Isabella?” I said more to myself then to him, but obviously he heard.

“Who is Isabella?” Jay’s eyes were going from black to blue and back and forth. “Isabella was mi amor” He stood up abruptly and the guards started to rush over. “My heart! My world! My life!” Jay flipped the table and Aden quickly moved me behind him. A guard restrained Jay to the ground. Jay kept yelling and yelling. “What have I done? My poor beautiful Isabella,” he sobbed. “I’m so sorry.”

Aden quickly got us out of there and put me into the car. He reached for my seatbelt. “Aden I can buckle it myself.” He slammed my door shut and went to his side and started the car.

The whole ride home Aden’s knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so tight. We finally reached the house after what felt like hours and Aden got out and left me in the car as he entered the house. What did I do to him? I sat in there for about five minutes just blank. I could not deal with Aden being upset with all these other things going on.

I left the car and entered the house. I needed to talk to my dad. I went to his office and walked straight in and sat on one of the sofas. “How did it go, darling?” He took his glasses off and looked up from whatever paper he was writing on.

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