I Don't Share.

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“Ria, we’re mates.” Veeni said slowly like she was scared I was going to lash out and hit her.

“Oh my God! That’s great!” I enveloped her in a hug.

“Really? You’re not weirded out by this since technically your bestfriend is dating your brother?” Kingsley asked.

“No, not at all. Veeni we have so much to talk about. You’re sleeping over. Oh yes, you’re definitely sleeping over.” I said. Hallelujah, I’m not going through this craziness by myself. I noticed a smirk on Kingsley’s face. “Don’t get any ideas, loverboy” I said as I shot a look to Kingsley that said “I will hurt you if you try me.”

“Dinner is ready. Everyone gather in the dining room please.” Aunt Franchesca melodious voice flowed through out the room as she entered the area we were in.

Dinner was going just like normal again. No crazy outburst, disappearing, or needing to be excused from the table, just normal.  I was completely content.  After dinner I tried to sneak Veeni away to my room for some much needed girl talk, but someone caught on to my plan.

“Kitty, where are you going so early? You don’t want to watch a movie or something?” The translation for that sentence is: “Ria, let’s make out. You don’t want to make out?”

“I don’t feel like it, babe.”

“But, baby.” He whined as he pulled me into his chest by grabbing my hips. “I just got you back. Am I still gonna sleep in your room?” Aden pouted.

“Aden, quit it.”I laughed. “Didn’t your mommy teach you how to share?”

 “I’m an Alpha Werewolf. I don’t share. It’s not in my nature.” He lightly bit the spot between my neck and shoulder on my right side.

“Aden, please don’t make this difficult.” I tugged at the hair on the back of his neck and he hissed.

“Fine. Goodnight, baby.”  Aden kissed both corners of my lips and then the tip of my nose.

“Goodnight, Aden.” I said as he put me down. I began to walk up the stairs with Veeni right in front of me laughing at me and Aden’s conversation.

“Oh and Kitty?” Aden called from the bottom of the staircase.

“Yes, babe.”

“Tomorrow it’s just me and you, all day. No one else.”

“Alright, alright.” I started to walk up a few more steps.

“Goodnight, I love you.” I looked down at Aden from the balcony over the lounge.

“I love you too, Aden. Go do something! Why don’t you go hang with Kingsley, you are best friends.”

“Ok, I will I will.” Aden waved me off as he walked away with his back facing me.

Vivianna was already in her pajamas when I walked into my bedroom. “Oh my gosh. You and Aden are so cute!”

“How?” What does she mean cute?

“Ria, he cannot keep his hands off you and your conversations are hilarious. You two are just perfect.”

“Not really, but enough about us. What about you and my brother?!” I was so ecstatic for them. I got tired of having girls trying to befriend me just to get to my brother.

“What about us?” Veeni began to blush.  

“Veeni, do not play with me. How did you guys find out you were mates?” Veeni cheeks went a blood red.

“Well. I came to the house because you were in the hospital and your mom told me to come over here to get you some clothes. When I got here I Kingsley was walking out the door. So I tried to make sure not to make eye contact with him and just go get what I needed out the house, but I just had to trip when I was walking past him into the house and he caught me before I fell. When we touched it felt like my body was set on fire. I had burning tingles everywhere and all I wanted to do was jump Kingsley, but he did it before I could. He roughly grabbed me and carried me into the house onto the first couch in sight. Oh and we had already started kissing by then. We made out on the couch for about 10 minutes then he went for my skirt and I slapped him because I had no idea what had just happened. I was shocked at myself and him and I was about to get up to storm out the house but he stopped me. And said ‘Vivianna, wait, I know you don’t understand right now but trust me what just happened was not a mistake. I’ll explain in the car, but you are getting in my car and we are going to see Ria together. Now go get in the car. No questions, Vivianna.’ I was so stunned at what he had just said and how he said it so I did what he said and he did what he said he would do and explained it in the car. ”

“Wow” was all I could say. “Wait, so what did you tell him when he told you he was your mate. Did you like tell him you couldn’t trust him because of his player ways because that’s what I did or were you just to shocked to really say anything.” I asked curiously.

“Yeah, something like that. He told me that I had a choice to reject him if I wanted to and since he quote “had a habit of screwing anything with a skirt” he completely understood. But I told him that I would give him a chance to make up for that but I wasn’t just going to trust him instantly and that he had to gain it.”

“You go Veeni” I high fived her. “I’ll still kick his ass if he does something retarded.” Veeni giggled at that.

“Trust me, I will too.”

For the rest of the night we sat there talking about what’s been going on. Veeni made me remember why I loved her because she didn’t bring up me being kidnapped once, because I really don’t think I could deal with thinking about that just yet.  

“Isabella, why did you do this to us? What happened to you loving me back?  Isabella? Isabella?! ” I was restrained it a chair with wrist were tied behind the back of it and each of my feet were tied to a leg of the chair. I could feel that Jay was behind me.

“Let me go, Jay! Let me go!” I cried. Why me?

Aden’s P.O.V.



I couldn’t sleep without Ria and wasn’t able to sleep the whole while she was gone. I had been laying here just staring at the ceiling when I began to feel Ria’s fear. I hopped out of bed and began to rush to Ria’s bedroom when Vivianna ran into in the hallway. “Aden, its Ria! Something’s wrong and I don’t know what to do!” Kingsley ran up right behind her.

“What’s wrong? Baby, what happen are you alright?” He must of felt Veeni’s worry like I had felt Ria’s emotion.

I didn’t hesitate to dash the rest of the way to Ria’s room. “Stop it Jay! Stop! I don’t know!” Ria screeched in her sleep. I knew I should of killed that son of a bitch when I had a chance. “I swear I don’t know.” She sobbed. Ria began to thrash so I hastily pulled her body to mine and shook her a little. Uncle Julian hurried into the room with Aunt August right on his tail.

“What’s going on Aden? “

“I don’t know she…” Ria let out a horrific scream.

“You have to wake her up, Aden. She’s only going to listen to you.” Aunt August eagerly nodded her head to Uncle Julian’s statement. 

“Ria, baby. Wake up. It’s just a dream. You have to wake up.” I said decisively. She started to tremble and then her eyes opened.

“Oh thank God. I thought I lost you again.” Ria wrapped her arms around my neck and began to cry. I ran my fingers through her hair.

“It’s ok, Kitty. I’m here, it’s alright baby. It’s alright.”

“Aden, I need to see him.”


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