Wait What?

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The sound of Aden's smooth voice woke me up. "Ria, baby wake up. In need you to wake up for me, Kitty please." My eyes shot open to see his gorgeous green ones full of worry.

"Finally, you're here!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to cry.

"I know baby. I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner but we need to get you out of here."Aden picked me up bridal style and began to carry me downstairs. As we descended down the stairs I saw blood.

"Nooo! Don't take her away from me again!" Jay roared, " I'm sorry Isabella, I'm so sorry."

Kingsley had him by his collar and from the blood coming from down Jay's cheek and out of his mouth I realized Kingsley was just starting so Aden could finish him off.

"Stop!" I screamed. Aden and Kingsley's heads snapped my way. My Dad and Uncle Rom busted into the house with what looked to be about 10 people from the pack behind them. "Dad they can't kill him. It isn't right."

Three of the men snatched Jay from the ground and began to drag him out of the house.

"Aden, Kingsley, we will take care of it from here bring Ria home." My dad said. I Aden was about to escort me out the door before my dad pulled me in a tight hug. "I'm so sorry this happened ,Darling,"

"Its okay dad I'm just glad I'm finally getting out of here."

I hadn't taken two steps out the door before Aden swooped me up like I was as if I weighed less than a feather. "Aden, I'm fine. I can walk."

"No baby. I just got you back and I'm not letting you out of my sight." Oh Jesus. "Don't 'Oh Jesus' me Ria. I'm serious." I always seemed to forget the fact that he was inside my head.

"Ok Aden, fine. You get what you want. Go ahead and carry me to the car that is 3 yards away. " And he did just that.

As we began to drive back home Aden asked me millions of questions and kept asking if I was feeling okay. We sat in the back seat of the of the Mercedes so he also held my hand, but what was weird was Kingsley.

"Kingsley are you okay. You're rather quiet." I said he looked at me out of the corner of his eye like he was guilty about something.

"Oh no. I'm fine why would you think something is wrong? Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Suspicious.

"Oh okay, whatever then." I said skeptically. He'll come around soon enough.

The rest of the ride home was quiet, but not awkward. Just content.

Soon enough we were pulling into our driveway. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see my house.

We walked into the house to be greeted by Aunt Franchesca and my mother pouncing on me.

"Oh Thank God, my baby is home." My mother said into my hair. Aunt Franchesca began to cry as well as my mother.

"Its okay you guys. I'm back now and I'm not leaving any time soon." I said. "Where is Lidia and Winona?"

"Oh they flew back to Florida. Winona said she didn't want to get in the way of our family problems, so Lidia went with her to help her settle back in with her family and get her belongings from our home. She has been living with us for a few months now." Aunt Franchesca answered me.

"Figures." I mumbled to myself. Once a bitch, always a bitch.

"We're going to go cook your favorite foods for dinner, I love you so much." My mother said as she stepped back so Aunt Franchesca could hug me. As I walked over to Aden I gasped as I saw my reflection in the mirror above the flower vase. I looked awful. My normally clear blue eyes were lifeless and my dark blonde hair was dull. I just looked washed out all together.

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