Let the Madness Begin.

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I woke up completely relaxed. I don't think I have ever slept so well, but all things come to an end. "Oh. My. God," I jolted up after last night rushed back to me. That's also when I realized I wasn't the only one in my bed.

"Love, it's 6:30 in the morning. Go back to sleep," I looked over see a shirtless Aden snuggled up in my duvet right beside me. He held the cover up gesturing me to lie back down. My eyes locked on his very toned chest. As I broke away from my long glance I saw the smirk on his face, obviously he had realized me checking him out.

"Aden, why don't you have a shirt on?" my voice sounded annoyed just like I intended, but Aden didn't seem to buy it.

"You sure didn't seem to mind a second ago and besides what male as attractive as me, if that's even possible, would seriously need to sleep with a shirt on?"

"I need some room to breathe," earning an eye roll from me , I started to scoot out of my bed, but was quickly stopped by a hand on my thigh.

"I'm coming with you," I guess this is the protective bullshit my dad told me about. Before I could abject Aden cut me off.

"It is not bullshit Annalise. Now that my scent is on you and I haven't marked you, some rogues might take that as a challenge." How in the hell did he know my middle name and how dare he use it. Aden gave me a look that said "don't argue with me", but me being me shot back a deadly glare of my own. It didn't come out as deadly when my eyes locked with his. His deep pools of green had my heart racing, but what effected me the strongest were his lips. I licked my own remembering how his felt on mine. I snapped out of my thoughts when a low growl came from Aden.

"Ria you are tempting me. I wouldn't think things like that around me. You're going to bring out something you're not ready for."

"Then get the hell out of my head," I muttered but he most likely heard. Sighing, I continued, "Look Aden, I understand I'm your mate, but you need to slow down. It's going to take me time to get past player Aden that slept with a different girl every day, sometimes more than one in a day. You can't just think I'm going to be all up for everything you want to do. You have to show me you're different."

He didn't look upset or mad, he just rolled his lips into his mouth, a habit he's had since we were little when he was deep in thought. "I understand and I'll show you that I don't want anything else in this world but you." Aden took my hands into his, "You will see, love. I have loved you for way too long to mess this up."

"What do you mean you've loved me for way too long? I thought you just found out I was your mate thingy," Aden chuckled causing me to smile because his laugh was just as smooth as his voice and it comforted me just the same. Amusement danced in his eyes.

"Yes I did just find out that you were mate thingy, but I've had the eyes for you since we were kids. I thought you were the prettiest thing on earth. Actually," he trailed off, "One 4th of July when we were nine you guys came to our home to watch the fireworks and I kissed you on the cheek. Kinglsey happen to see that and that night when I was sleeping he jumped down from the top bunk of the bunk bed I used to have and punched me straight in the nose. He said that I better stay away from you or he would beat the day lights out of me and that you were too sweet and pretty for me to hurt. As we grew up I realized he was right and I did as he said, but I have always loved you."

I sat there silent as I stared at him in awe. I remember that day. I had realized I liked Aden that week then the day after he kissed me, he acted like I wasn't even there anymore.

I didn't have anything to say, so I did what my heart told me to do. I jumped in his lap and hugged him. He put his face into my hair and I could feel the smile on his lips.

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