3| Maybe Like Iron Man Just Not Iron?

Start from the beginning

"It's seven-fourty-five!"

Oh shit.

I quickly grabbed my Nike bag and scurried my way to the changing rooms. I stripped out of my sweaty clothes and put on my protectors then wore my boxing shorts and body shirt over them. I then wore my Adidas HVC2 speed boxing shoes and the red Ever Last boxing gloves. After that, I put my hair in a high ponytail so it wouldn't distract me then headed to the boxers room where dad, Sebastian and Gary were waiting for me before all four of us went to the arena.

Dad and Sebastian entered the arena from the other door so they could take their assigned seats which was next to Nathan and Sam's while Gary and I strolled past the acclaiming audience and towards the boxing ring.

The arena was filled with dozens of audiences cheering and screaming their lungs out continuously while I passed by them with my head held up high. The entire place was a bit dark yet there were colorful neon lights giving it a gloomy look. There was large screens recording the boxer's every move where I could clearly see myself. It boosted my confidence knowing that everyone was watching me and cheering me on yet there was a part of me feeling nauseous about it.

"So our first contestant tonight is..." The ring announcer paused for dramatic effect, "CHARLOTTE CHARL ANDERSOOOON.....And her current weight is, DRUMROLLS PLEAAAASE....SIXTY SEVEN KILOGRAAAAAAMS." He slurred with great enthusiasm and people started cheering more than before, their eyes trailing my every move while I entered the boxing ring, punching my gloves passionately against each other with a grin of pride playing on my lips.

"You go Charl." I barely heard Sam's voice amongst the assembly of the crowd calling my name which made me genuinely happy. He may be annoying sometimes, but at least not right now.

"She only lost three matches in her entire boxing journey and is in the.... SAVAGE NEW YORKER'S TEEEEEEEAM." He screamed into the microphone, flailing his hands up into the air passionately while I stood at one end of the ring, watching the eager, jovial figures raising my spirit and waiting for the one and only Justin to appear.

"And our second contestant tonight iiiis..... DRUMROLLS PLEEEEEEASE" he slurred again which made me yank my head abruptly towards the arena entrance.

Every body in the entire arena literally patted the living daylights out of their legs vigorously and impatiently.

"JUSTIN THE STRONGEST SMIIIIIIITH..." he hollered, clapping his hands together aggressively and I rolled my eyes mentally. The strongest? really?

"and his current weight is.... EIGHTY THREE KILOGRAAAAAAAMS."

"Only lost one fight in his entire boxing journey and is in the.... NEW YORK DRAGONS TEEEEEEEEAAM." the announcer pursued in a very exciting manner, moving his hand everywhere frantically.

Justin smith entered the arena with a middle aged man right beside him, his black boxing jacket hood covering the majority of his face, giving him a mysterious look yet the jacket was wide open making his extremely sculpted and toned chest on full display, his eight packs immensely defined. The jacket hugged his brawny and built figure perfectly which accentuated his dark complexion, making me do nothing, but imagine how he would look without it. He was tall. Not obnoxiously tall, but still very tall. Probably 6'2 6'3. As soon as I laid eyes on him, the grin wiped its way off of my lips and shifted into a slight gap.

Justin strolled towards the ring with confidence radiating off of him, shadow punching the air while people continuously chanted his nickname. My eyes followed his every move and nothing managed to catch my attention other than his muscular figure and for a second I zoned out. Boy he was hot and I haven't even seen his face yet.

"Focus Charl focus" My inner voice snapped me out of my unwanted thoughts, making me shake my head slightly.

As he entered the ring, he took his jacket hood off which made my lips gap more than they already were. He shifted his attention to me, his eyes trailing up and down my body with a smirk and an arched eyebrow until it settled on my face, piercing into my eyes. His rather ambitious pair of captivating eyes held intensity and power. He had soft, dark brown hair all over his forehead and mesmerizing grey eyes peering on me, his face chiseled and jaw outstandingly sharp with high rose cheekbones giving him a wooden look. Oh my god.

Not only is it a cross-gender match, but with the most handsome and attractive person I have ever laid eyes on. Oh Shoot.

"You got this. You got this." I scrunched my eyes shut for a millisecond, whispering to myself before opening them again.

I squeezed the ropes tightly, gulping the saliva down my throat before emitting a long deep breath, regaining my composure and mustering a cool look.

"IT'S TIME! WHOSE READY TO RUMBLE?" The ring announcer inquired with the guttural voice of his and I immediately put the transparent mouth guard between my teeth's and adjusted myself.

Here we go.


Yaaaaas, the big match is nearly starting! Whose excited?

Hope you liked the chapter<3

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