Ch 1: uprising

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Intro over

A van known as the rust bucket drives down a long road as it takes a big turn to reveal a big base in the distance with a white and orange circular symbol

The rustbucket pulls up and parks near the building as a door opens on the rust bucket as a old man known as max with a ten year old boy and girl known as ben and gwen walk out to look at the building

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The rustbucket pulls up and parks near the building as a door opens on the rust bucket as a old man known as max with a ten year old boy and girl known as ben and gwen walk out to look at the building

Ben: grandpa what's this place?

Max: ben this is overwatch headquarters

Ben: head..what?

Gwen: uh it's the home of the world's hero's doofus

Ben: pffft I knew that dweeb!

Max: c'mon get along you two let's go visit some of your grandpas old friends what do ya say?

Ben: no thanks they're probably all old

Gwen: shut it dweeb not all grandpas friends are old

Max: c'mon ben it'll be fun

Ben: fiiine

Max, ben and gwen walk towards the entrance to see 4 figures

Max: kids meet my pal Jack Morrison

Max: kids meet my pal Jack Morrison

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Jack: hey

Ben: sup I'm ben

Gwen: hey I'm gwen

Max: Gabriel how's it been?

Gabriel: what do you think

Gabriel: what do you think

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