chapter eight

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I gasped. I was panting and breathing hard. I was being held close to someone who was whispering comforting words to me. I started balling my eyes out.

"Hey, hey. You're safe now." The person then started to shush me, petting my head. It was oddly comforting.

I continued to cry until I felt numb. I felt tired. I had cried so much that my brain was just done with emotions. I had never cried like that before.

The person holding me shifted their weight, bringing my attention back to reality.

"You alright now, doll?"

I shrugged.

The person sighed. I was beginning to recognize the voice, but couldn't quite place who it was.

"Doll. I need to to tell me what happened just now."

I shrugged, looking down. It wasn't like this man could even begin to understand anyway.

"This man, huh? That's a real punch in the gut. Ya don't remember my name, Doll?"

I shrugged again, and the man grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. "Look, (Y/N). I need you to tell me what happened. I can help."

"You can't even begin to relate to what just happened to me, and what happened in my past to make that happen."

"So it was some sort of a flashback, huh?" The man chuckled at the look on my face. "I'm smarter than I look."

I shrugged again, ripping my chin from his grip and looking down again. I remembered his name now. It was G.

"G...." I said quietly. G made a sound to tell me that he was listening. "That's your name, right?"

G grunted confirmation.

I continued to look down. I wanted to trust G, but a small voice in my head was telling me that I couldn't trust any of the monsters. That they allow anted me dead.

"Doll, if I wanted you dead, you'd be dead. Trust me."

I sighed. "Fine."

"Fine what?"

"I'll tell you. When I was little, my father would always all me his little queen-to-be. He thought that calling me princess was too generic. He never talked about his job, but one day, someone came into the house. I learned later that it was because of a job he had taken. This person shot my father, then tried to take me. My father died right in front of my eyes. His last words to me were 'know that I love you, my little queen-to-be.' After that day, I can't smell the smell of cigarettes without going into a flashback."

"Damn, Doll. That's...."

I shrugged. "It doesn't really matter anyways. It's in the past."

G snickered. "It does matter of it still hurts ya."

"It doesn't hurt me."

"You were crying."

"It doesn't hurt me." There was a warning in my voice.

"Doll. You were crying and screaming."

"IT DOESN'T HURT ME!" I screamed. G looked surprised by my sudden outburst, but I hunched down and started crying.

G wrapped his arms around my shaking body, putting his chin on my head. "It's alright, Doll. Everything's gonna be okay."

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