chapter two

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Blackness. That is the only thing I see. It is all around me. I float in what feels like water.

"Get an IV on her, stat! I want her in the ICU!"

I hear someone yelling. Is this man talking about me? I cannot move. Am I dead? All of the sounds go fuzzy, and i cannot hear anything any longer.

Woke up with a groan. My head throbbed, I felt cold, and my body was so heavy...

"Y/N!" Josh yelled. He hugged me tightly, making me gasp in pain. Josh let me go quickly.

"Get....Out...." I managed through my pain. Josh was stunned. I grimaced through the dull, cold pain.


"GET OUT!" I screamed. It hurt so much to scream.

Josh jumped, getting up and running out of the room.

A nurse came in and calmed me down, giving me a dose of pain killers. I sighed.

"I'm sorry about that. You shouldn't be under stress. That nice young man told us that he was your boyfriend and we thought that you'd like to see-"

"I'd rather see the man that saved me than him!" I yelled. The nurse shushed me. "I can make the arrangements if you'd like." The nurse smiled at me.

"No, no. I was...Joking, is all."

"Oh. Alright. Are you hungry? Thirsty? Do you need anything?"

I shook my head. The nurse smiled. "If you do need anything, just hit that big red button on your little remote and we'll come in as fast as we can, alright?"

I nodded and thanked the nurse. The nurse walked out of the hospital room and shut the door behind her.

I turned on my television and fell asleep quickly.

Time skip brought to you by my laziness.

I woke up to someone flipping through the channels. I groaned lightly. My head was pounding again. It felt like someone was pounding a hammer to my skull.

I heard a chuckle. "Morning, Doll." I recognized that voice, but I didn't remember from where.

"Wh.....Who are you? Why am I in the hospital? What happened?"

"One question at a time, Sweetheart. First, the name's G. Second and third, if ya don't remember, that's probably best for you."

I groaned. I vaguely remembered breaking up with my boyfriend and getting in his car, but after that...It got fuzzy, to say the very least.

G chuckled. "Don't hurt yourself. If ya can't remember, that's okay. It's even best for you."

I sighed, defeated. I shook my head. I would probably remember later...

I gasped, realizing that I had a Zoom session tomorrow that was extremely important. I sat up quickly (almost instantly regretting it) and grabbed something that felt like a hand tightly.

"What is it, Doll?" G tried to sound nonchalant, but I could tell he was tense.

"I have a Zoom meeting that I need to tune into for my job!"

G sighed, gripping my hand lightly.

"Relax, Doll. You've been excused. I did bring in your bag, though. You've got your sketchbook, your sharpies and your alcohol markers."

"Thanks G."

"No problem, Doll. I looked through your sketchbook and saw a few drawings I liked. I left a few notes in there."

I nodded absently. I looked though my sketchbook, and even found a long note on one of the pages. It was from Josh. I instantly ripped the note out and tore it up.

G watched me silently, but I could tell that he was curious. Josh probably told him that we were still together.

I shook my head. "Don't ask."

G shook his head and looked at the television. The news was on, talking about someone that had been almost murdered, then it showered picture of me.

"G...That's me....I....." my breathing got heavy and my vision got fuzzy. My heart was beating fast and my vision was narrowing. I was panicking.

G grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. He shushed me lightly and rubbed my back. I couldn't breathe.

"Deep breaths, Doll. Deep breaths." G was breathing deep himself, guiding me through whatever was happening.

I followed G's lead, breathing just like him. After a few seconds, I was calm. G's embrace was so warm...I sighed lightly, relaxing my body. It was like I was in heaven...

G chuckled, lightly pushing me away. "You're safe, Doll. I can promise you that."

I nodded, then smiled. I looked up at G and paused. G was a monster. A skeleton at that. He wore a black leather jacket, a pale turtleneck, black Jean's, and black biker boots. I couldn't help but stare. I had never seen a monster in real life. Sure, I'd seen them on television and stuff, but I'd never seen one up close and personal.

G chuckled at my staring. "Am I just that attractive?" He asked, gazing into my eyes. He had a yellow ring in his right (if that's the wrong eye socket, please tell me in the comments!) eye socket.

I shook my head rapidly, getting drawn from my thoughts. "N-No, I just...Got lost in my thoughts."

G chuckled again. "Well, Doll, the doctor told me that I needed to let ya rest a bit while I visited. So, I'll just be flipping through these channels, and you get some shut-eye.

I nodded, suddenly feeling tired. I shut my eyes and fell asleep rather quickly.

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