Chapter 335: The Daily Life Of A Good Person (18)

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Chapter 335: The Daily Life Of A Good Person (18)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Ming Shu's sentence seemed to have reminded Villa Head Nie of something, and he murmured, "Five Treasures Bible is nothing good at all."

Before Ming Shu figured out what he meant by that, Villa Head Nie changed expression and continued, "Leader of Five Treasures, please behave yourself, or else don't blame me for being rude."

Villa Head Nie left these threatening words and then turned away.

"Villa Head Nie, about what happened twenty years ago, do you know anything?"

The voice from behind him stopped Villa Head Nie's steps, and after three seconds, he denied coldly, "I don't know."

Ming Shu watched the figure of Villa Head Nie leaving and offered a beautiful smile. "No, you must know something."

"What do you want to know about twenty years ago?" A cold aura came from the side.

"Are you haunting me?"

*Yes, I am! I will haunt you and scare you to death! *


"Leader Mu, mind your attitude and perhaps I can tell you something." Feng Bei ignored Ming Shu's dislike.

"You were pissing your pants at that time, what did you know?" *There's nothing wrong with dissing him. *

Feng Bei: "..."

F**k, he was already four years old 20 years ago, how could he still piss his pants then.

"I was little, but I read a lot of books stored in the Seven Stars Hall. I know many things about the past. Leader Mu, what do you want to know?"

Ming Shu smiled. "I want to know if you pissed your pants or not when you were little."

"You piss..." *Okay, calm down, just ignore her. *

Feng Bei met Ming Shu's gaze suddenly, which made him somewhat scared.

The girl opposite him smiled slowly, but Feng Bei became even more uneasy. He had some kind of... inexplicably scary and weird feeling.

He steadied his mind. That's okay, it's not uncommon that the mission target is a little strange. He had seen many freaks.

"Leader Mu, you really don't want to know?"

"There's no free lunch in the world, so what do you want from me?" *I must protect my snacks. *

"Five Treasures Bible and you, I want both."

"Me?" Ming Shu thought his mission was not to woo her this time. "Hall Master Feng, why do you want me?"

"Leader Mu, what do you think you can do?"

"Well, I'm very powerful. It might not be a problem to dominate the world." *Dominating the world means owning all snacks in the world, which seems... quite attractive. *

[Guest, calm down. Dominating the world is the plot for the male and female protagonists, you shouldn't do that.] Dominating the world for snacks? The Harmony System also saw this for the first time.

*Isn't the ultimate goal of the villain to dominate the world? *

[Not all villains want to dominate the world, Guest, control your imagination.]

*A villain who doesn't want to dominate the world is not a qualified villain. *

For snacks!

*I can do it! *

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