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Ginyu: and we were doing so well...

Jeice: Why world? WHY SCHOOL?!

Ginyu: This story and all other stories that haven't been completed on this account will be put on hold due to events and work.

Yes, I'm taking a 6-week break.

Jeice: 6!?! Lady, you can't do this we're almost at 100 reads!

Sorry. I don't want anything to do with anything I'm a teen and I know what stuff has done to kids online. They swear at each other and argue. I mean come one their kids they shouldn't have to worry. And yes i'm getting some exercise in.

Jeice: Poor people.

Guldo: Lucky it's not us.


Ginyu: ENOUGH. Goodbye men. I'll see you all very soon.

Jeice: Goodbye

Guldo: bye

Reccome: Bye bye

Burter: See ya later... I hope.

*Send short story request*

*sorry for the inconvenience*

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