Quarantine prt 2

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Recoome-" Seven hearts."

Jeice-" Go fish."

Guldo- " Twelve circle."

Burter- "ugh, Go fish."

Ginyu- "MEN, I HAVE JUST RECEIVED GREAT NEWS!" The force turned their attention to their captain, not at all excited for what he had to say. It had been months since anything has happened, the ship was quiet and still.

Ginyu- "Lord Frieza has decided to send us on a mission!"

Recoome- "what kind of mission?"

Ginyu- "he said it was on the planet called earth or at least that's what the people call it. He wishes for us to receive the dragon balls... Again. "

Jeice- "I don't know if I'm up to that. Isn't that sayian still there?"

Burter- "that was a long time ago. He could be even stronger now!"

Ginyu- "Men are we cowards?!"

Guldo- "Well yes, now we are." Ginyu sighed trying to think of a way to convince his men to take the mission.

Ginyu- "well if you don't want to take it friend can just send the mission over to Cooler and his team."

Burter- "What?"

Jeice- "I thought Lord Frieza hated him?"

Ginyu- "he does, but said if we didn't want to he isn't going to argue. This whole corona situation has him stressed."

Burter- "Let's do it then!"

Recoome- "Anything to get out of here." And so the force was on their way to planet earth. They soon arrived at the planet where it was what the humans called summer.

Jeice- "It's so beautiful here. What season was it the last time we were here?"

Burter- "I think it was fall somewhat or spring."

Guldo- "No it wasn't it was winter."

Burter- "Winter? Where was the snow we would have frozen our nuts off!"

Ginyu- "Silence! I have the tracking device for the dragon balls from that elder lady. One is nearby in a shop."

Recoome- "Shop?"

Jeice- "I thought humans don't know what they are?"

Ginyu- "one of them must have found it and decided to sell it. We'll just have to steal it." The force headed towards the town prepared to get weird glances from others. The town was silent though. Not one person in sight.

Guldo- "Where is everyone?"

Burter- "Everything is closed!"

Ginyu- "We break in then."

Goku- "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The force immediately put their guard up to face a lonely Goku.

Ginyu- "Where are your friends?"

Goku- "In quarantine. Haven't you heard the corona is out? No one is going outside and everything is closed. I'm just here to get toilet paper!"

Ginyu- "Why are you wearing that mask?"

Goku- "Chichi told me to. She doesn't want me to get the virus. So I can't really fight either."


Jeice- "I thought we needed the dragon ball in there?"


Guldo- "What about Lord Frieza?"

Ginyu- "I DON'T CARE!" The force went back to the ship unsuccessful.

Frieza- "I gave you a simple task. And you couldn't complete it! How pathetic. It does not matter now. Go!"

Jeice- "Man, we could have gotten those balls."

Ginyu- "We could of but he would have asked if anyone tried to get in the way. You know how he is."

Recoome- "I feel bad."

Jeice- "Maybe we can still get them? We know where six of them are. All we have to do is get that one."

Burter- "Yeah! And no one is going to stop us!"

Guldo- "Let's do it!"

TBC... Got a bit lazy one this chapter sorry.

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