Quarantine prt 3 rated R/M

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*Warning this chapter talks about sensitive topics skip the chapter if you don't want to hear any of this*

Highly suggest you skip this chapter

The Ginyu force headed back to earth to get the dragon balls. It had been a few months since they decided to go in style. Quarantine style. They wore masks and had bottles of sanitizer with them. When they arrived at the place the last dragon ball was they couldn't believe what they saw.

Windows were broken, cars were on fire, hateful things spray-painted on walls, and stuff from all the stores was scattered all over the streets.

Recoome- "What happened?"

Jeice- "Did someone beat us to it?"

Ginyu- "ACAB? What the hell does that mean?"

Burter- "Justice? For what!?"

Jeice- "Look here! A person was murdered by some guys in uniform. It says some officers are upset about the whole situation saying these people who did it are a bad example for them."

Ginyu- "That doesn't seem fair to them. I mean if they're good why should they suffer?"

Recoome- "This one says a school was shot up by a man."

Burter- "A tower was blown up..." They continued to examine each paper, each with horrible things on them described with gruesome details.

Jeice- "How can people do this to each other? I know we have done some bad things but I would never do any of this to an innocent person. I'm confused..."

Recoome- "Woah..."

Jeice- "I just don't understand."

Ginyu- "Red magma. We may never understand why people do this."

Jeice- "I'm upset. A man was killed! Kids died! Why does this have to happen!? Why can't everything be okay?!" Jeice fell to his knees trying to take everything in. Burter went up to and gave him a hug.

Burter- "It's not for us to decide what people think. But these poor businesses some will have to close permanently..."

Ginyu- "Alright men, we shouldn't get caught up in all of this. Let's get the dragon ball and leave." They walked over the broken glass and grabbed the dragon ball. Captain Ginyu stared at it for a while before heading back to his pod. Before Jeice left he looked at a flyer with a little girl on it. She had dark eyes a huge smile and black hair with a ribbon in it.

Burter- "Hey pal. Let's go." The took of each not knowing what to think. They all had different opinions on it but decided not to think about it.

The force looked at the dragon balls. They now had all of them.

Burter- "So... Are we going to make a wish or?"

Ginyu- "Yes what should we wish for? Riches, power, An army?"

Jeice- "What about bringing those innocent people back?" They all looked at him.

Burter- "That's a good idea buddy but... Even if we bring them back there will still be violence around. I know you feel bad about them but we can't do anything about it."

Guldo- "Let's be thankful that we don't have to deal with that." They all nodded and decided what to wish for.

Recoome- "I think we did something good."

Ginyu- "Yes. Now that I think about it we need more good people. What do you say, men? We leave tonight?"

Jeice- "Yes. We need to get away from here."

Guldo- "Yes."

Ginyu- "It's decided then. We must be quick and quiet." They all headed to their rooms and packed whatever they wanted. When night came they took their Scouters off and smashed them until nothing but wires and part were left.

Ginyu- "let's go."

TBC... Send in requests for shorts!

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