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  —TEAM G-Force — as Leo had taken to calling them for the past hour ( 'The G stands for Greek!' ) — now had just two days before the solstice

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  —TEAM G-Force — as Leo had taken to calling them for the past hour ( 'The G stands for Greek!' ) — now had just two days before the solstice. Two days to rescue a goddess because the end of the world would start if she missed that meeting. Kind of dramatic, but Savannah was not about to tell that to literal gods.

  Two days to save the world from a war between the giants and the gods ( presumably ), and they were hiding out in a Chicago sewer. They'd followed a pair of Venti spirits down a fountain drain in hopes of ... fighting them? Savannah wasn't sure what their plan had been in chasing after them, but luckily the spirits were no where in sight so she could ignore the thought a little longer.

  And even luckier, this particular sewer pipe was out of commission for the winter and didn't smell like absolute gunk.

  Piper looked around at the brick walls and walkways. "Are all sewers this nice?" she wondered out loud.

  "No," Leo said confidently. "Trust me."

  Savannah frowned at his side, remembering the stories he would tell them about running away from foster homes.

  Jason paused, not having the memories that she did. "How do you know — "

  "Hey, man, I ran away six times. I've slept in some weird places, okay? Now, which way do we go?" Leo quickly avoided further talk about his past. Savannah let the back of her hand brush his arm in hopes to provide a comfort for him. He accepted her gesture by pressing his arm further into her hand, but refrained from meeting her eyes.

  Jason tilted his head as if listening to wind that wasn't there, then pointed south. "That way."

  "How can you be sure?" Piper asked as they all looked that direction. It was pitch black and not a single sound emerged.

  "There's a draft blowing south," Jason answered. "Maybe the venti went with the flow."

  Sounded reasonable enough to Savannah, but again, she wasn't exactly eager to track these spirits down. Almost dying in a warehouse really put a damper on any kind of excitement she had about this quest ( if there was ever any to start with ). She couldn't help but think that she'd accomplished everything that she needed to. Like — child of hearth must tend the fire, when the need becomes indeed dire. If that hadn't been dire need, Savannah didn't want to know what was. So if she fulfilled her task, what was stopping her from hitching a train right back to camp — or better yet, boarding school where she belonged?

The universe answered for her as Leo accidentally stumbled into her side as Piper tripped on her bad ankle.

Jason was able to catch the girl as she hissed in pain. "Stupid ankle."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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