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Images swirl in my mind. The last memory I have of Loki disappears from my mind. I watch as his smile fades away. I try to pull a memory of him back but I cannot. I can no longer muster an image of him, I can no longer remember his name. I loose everything I held dear. I cannot remember my parents, my dog, my life. It is all lost to me. I feel like I am falling into an abyss. It's dark and lonely. I hear voices from afar. I drag myself towards them. Unknown voices are calling to me. Light fills my vision. I wake up in a unknown place. The first thing I see is a man with long black hair and green eyes staring at me.
"Mackenna! I thought you were dead," he talks to me. I shake my head. He hugs me. And he tries to kiss me but I slap him across the face.
"Mackenna?" He looks puzzled.
"Who are you?" I ask him. Shock fills his expression. Tears stream down his face. He starts shaking violently as he grabs my hand. I pull my hand away from him. He is really starting to scare me. I stand. I don't know why I'm here or how I even got here. I back up to a wall.
"Mackenna, it's me, Loki," he tells me. He is still crying. I slowly move towards the door. I face him still. Soon as my hand touches the door handle, I open the door and run. Something is rubbing on my left leg. I run around a corner and find a chair. I pull away the clothing that was covering my leg. I have half a leg. There is a fake one in the place of what should have been my leg. I want it off. I claw at it in hope that it will fall off, but it doesn't. Soon a women finds me. Already I feel as though I can trust her.
"Mackenna, I'm Frigga," she tells me. "You must come with me." She says. I stand and she leads me to a room with a big green bed.
"I want this thing off me," I tell her as I point to my fake leg.
"Loki is the only one who knows how to," she tells me.
"You mean that guy who was there when I woke up?" I ask. She nods. She sits me on the bed. She leaves the room and comes back not five seconds later with Loki. It's such a strange name. He approaches me slowly. There is still tears on his face. I flinch when his hand touches my leg. Frigga is standing just a little ways away. He unhooks a couple of straps and some other things that I can not see. Soon the leg is off me and Frigga leads Loki out. He tries to get one last look at me before he is gone. I hear Frigga say something about his room, but I could not hear. I run my hands against the soft bed cover. Frigga returns with a purple robe. It looks as though there is a tear stain on in. She passes it to me and leaves the room. With great difficulty I put it on over my body. I lay my head down on the pillow. They smell like lilacs. It comforts me for some reason. The smell lulls me to sleep. I dream.
Loki is standing in front of a little house on a farm. I recognize this place. I look back at Loki. There is another me standing in front of Loki. The other me and Loki are talking. I watch as Loki sighs and his figure shudders. I watch the other me take a step back and watch as Loki turns a deep blue. He opens his eyes and they are red. I must have known him. The scene in front of me swirls and we are in a vineyard.
Loki is back to normal, but I see a creature similar to what he just looked like emerge from the bushes. I watch the other me whip around as Loki is on his knee. Ice shoots from the blue creature. I watch the other me step in the path of the ice that was shooting right towards Loki. The ice impales the other me. I see Loki scream and he turns blue and shoots ice at the creature. My body is laying on the ground twitching. I scream, but I know no one can hear me. I watch Loki run towards my body and rip the ice out of my body. I see me talk to him and smile. Tears are filling both of our eyes. I watch me put my hand on his cheek. I walk up to the scene. I watch myself die. Then everything goes black. The scene now etched in my mind, just not in a third person view. I had the view of myself. Me looking at Loki as he turned blue right in front of me. Me getting impaled in front of Loki. Watching his pain. I suddenly wake with a jerk. There is sweat on my forehead. I get up and get the leg on myself as best as I could. I run through the halls. I find Loki on a balcony with tears staining his face. I run up to him and wrap my arms around his waist. I hear him gasp.
"I may not remember you Loki, but I will get myself back to you," the words spill out of my mouth as I remember the dream. His arms wrap around me. I can feel a tear forming in my eye.
"I will come back to you, Loki. No matter what."

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