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When I wake, it's evening. I must have been out for at least 3 hours. I move. It hurts all over. There is blood everywhere. My black hair is crusted with it. I pull myself up. I can't see out of my left eye, it's swollen shut. Mackenna. Last thing I remember of her is her getting drug along with that man. I materialize my helmet and staff. It feels better to have it in my hand. All the memories start to flood in. My cheeks burn with anger. He took my Mackenna. He took her, and I will get him. I walk off to the place where I saw him disappear. I can see the drag marks. I follow them into the depts of the bushes. I walk for hours. It starts to get dark, and I'm starting to get really tired. I brought no food. How foolish. All I can do is make a comfy spot out of what is around me. I cover the ground with leaves and weave a kind of blanket with the branches of trees. It's not luxury but it will have to do. I quickly fall asleep. In the morning I wake to my stomach grumbling. I'm not accustomed to not being full. As I walk the bush gets denser. Twigs grab at my hair. Soon I come across a road. The drag marks end right here, and there is tire marks. I see a car coming down the road. I don't need them to see me like this so I make my scepter disappear. I wave them down and they stop. I ask them to bring me to the nearest town, and they kindly oblige. I will find my Mackenna, even if it takes me my whole life.

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