A different experience

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I don't like the body form I take. It's too muscly and out of proportion. But Mackenna seems to like it. I wear a tight shirt that shows off my new muscles. When I walk into the kitchen I find her making breakfast.
"Do you need help with that?" I ask.
"No. It's okay. I got it."She says as she gets back to work. I know where all the plates are but I can't make it obvious.
"Where are the plates and utensils?" I ask.
"They are just up in those cupboards." She points to a cupboard, and I walk up to it and grab the plates. I place them on the table and go in the fridge for the milk. I know she likes milk. After everything is set we eat. She makes French toast. She would always make this for me. A tear forms in my eye but I wipe it away before she sees it.
"So, Logan. How did your car break down? There was another house closer than that I'm sure." She says piling more food into her mouth.
"I was on my way to a friends place and my car just stopped. I left my keys in there too." I reply. I can't get over the fact that I'm lying to her. It hurts me. I finish my breakfast.
"Can I have a shower? I'm pretty dirty." I ask as I place my plate by the sink.
"Oh yeah, sure. I'll go get your towel ready. I can see you already spotted the shirts that were lying around." She smirks and goes to get me a towel. I patiently wait in the kitchen. I so badly want to change back and show her I'm still here. But I can't. I push the thought away as she comes around the corner with a towel.
"Thanks" I say as I walk towards the bathroom.
"You know where the bathroom is?" She asks.
"Yeah. I had to use it in the middle of the night." I lie. I go into the bathroom and get into the shower. I turn it on and let the hot water surround me. I can't help it but change back. It feels better to not have giant muscles and short hair. I wash my long black hair until its smooth and turn off the shower. I put on some clothes and almost walk out of the bathroom in my normal form. I quickly change into Logan and walk out. I can hear thunder in the distance. I remember that night when she curled up beside me and fell asleep. I stayed up for hours watching her sleep. I had made sure she was okay and safe. That whole day I stayed my distance from her but never kept my eyes off of her. Something could happen to her just as her fiancée. And I would never let that happen. She sat on the couch watching the oncoming storm. It wasn't supposed to hit us until tonight. I wonder if she will come tonight. After watching her for a little bit more, I got to my room and lock the door. I change back. It feels right to be me. I'm at least a foot shorter than Logan. I lay on my bed and think. When am I going to tell her it's me? I have to wait a little though. Otherwise she won't be too happy with me. I can't push the thought out of my mind. I sit there for at least an hour until Mackenna bangs on my door. I quickly change and open the door.
"Hey. Did you want supper or something? You've been in your room for a long time." She stares at me. I look back at her. At this point I want so badly to change back.
"Yeah, I'll eat. How come you were just sitting there staring at the storm?" I ask. I need to hear if she really loves me.
"I was just thinking of Loki. He always comforted me when thunderstorms came. And I'm going to miss that" tears fill her eyes and she starts crying. I can't think of anything to do but to wrap my arms around her and let her cry. I comfort her, as I would always do.

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