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I become aware of someone in my arms. The morphine is wearing off. My eyes open. It seems like it is early in the morning. Mackenna is asleep laying beside me. I can feel her amputated leg against my thigh. I watch her sleep. Her face isn't as peaceful as it once was. It's ridden with bruises and scars that still haven't heeled up while she was asleep for the week. I pull a strand of that was strewn across her face. She shifts in her sleep. I move my arm away. Her eyes open and she looks at me. She smiles and props herself on to her elbow.
"Loki, I'm sorry I left you at the party. I wasn't thinking straight. I was a complete coward." Her smile disappears. I chuckle.
"You've been through hell, and you're saying you're sorry for something that happened over two months ago?" I tell her.
"Over two months? How long was I gone?" She asks. A worried look crosses her face.
"Well for one month and about a week, I was Logan. Then for about three weeks you were gone." I explain.
"Loki? You know what I forgot to do?"
"Kiss you." She tells me. I'm in shock. She so easily rejected me the first time. She starts to lean towards me. I yearn to feel her lips. I lean forward, and our lips join. They are so soft considering the weeks she spent trapped. She places her rough hand on my cheek. I place my hand on her hip. She starts to kiss me more passionately. I run my hand down her leg until I reach the bandages. She puts her hand on my chest. She begins to run out out of breath and she stops. She pulls away. Mackenna grins widely.
"That was the best first kiss I ever had. I'm glad I could share it with you, Loki." She tells me.
"Was that supposed to be a compliment?" I tease. She laughs and leans her head against my chest.
"You know, you used to smell like lilacs. The hospital ruined it." She mumbles into my chest.
"I used to smell like lilacs?" I ask. The statement shocking me.
"Yeah. Well you reminded me of lilacs anyway." She chuckles.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Never mind." someone knocks on the door. Mackenna leans away from me and watches the door slide open. A nurse walks in.
"Hello. I hope you guys have had an enjoyable sleep." She says. She checks all the tubes coming out of my body. She checks Mackenna's bandages and walks out. Not five minutes later, she comes back with the doctor. The doctor is holding something that looks like a leg. Mackenna leans into me and I wrap my arm around her. She shakes in my arms.
"Mackenna, we've decided to start your training today. Oh, and Loki we are going to take the I.V out of you." He explains. Mackenna moves my arm away and sits up. The nurse brings in a chair that has wheels. I've never seen such a thing in my life. Mackenna scoots herself over and the nurse helps her into the chair. She gets wheeled away. I hadn't realized that the doctor had taken the I.V out of my hand. There were no more tubes in me anymore. The doctor was gone. I swung my legs over the side of the bed. There are bandages on them. The hospital gown is open at the back. I stood up and decided to go for a walk. There are nurses everywhere I go. They all stare at me. I keep walking until I come across a room with side rails. I walk in. I look around and spot Mackenna trying to stand with the fake leg. She grabs one of the side rails and heaves herself forward. She seems to be having a lot of trouble. She watches her leg move as she tries to walk around. The nurse is standing right at her side, ready to catch her if she falls. She stops to catch her breath. She sees me and blushes.
"Hey Loki." She says. She lets go of the railing. With a look of determination, she starts to walk towards me. She stumbles once, but regains her balance. Slowly she walks towards me. I'm froze in my spot, shocked how well she is doing for her first time. Finally she reaches me. She grabs onto my shoulders. I unfreeze and wrap my arms around her. I rest my chin on top of her head. She is breathing heavily. The nurse across the room is in a state of shock. Mackenna shifts and looks into my eyes. She kisses me.
"Loki, I love you." She tells me.
"I love you too," I admit to her.

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