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TRIGGER WARNING: sexual assault/abuse/drinking/death/adoption/foster care

DISCLAIMER FOR PARTS OF KIT'S STORY: Despite being 3, Kit remembers most of the events that happened - he was re-told everything by cops/people throughout his childhood and even teenage years).

- 3 months later -

3rd POV.

It's been... Weird to say the least. The last few months have been an up-down rollercoaster for Kit. Both with Ming and with his friends. PhaBeam... They're trying to be better, help Kit with his anxiety... But that's doing more harm than good right now. Ming, he's just confused. He doesn't understand why PhaBeam aren't 'helpful' and he doesn't get why Kit just won't explain everything to them (his triggers, how to help him, etc).

"If I tried to explain that, it'd take so long that they'd just walk away from me. There's no use in forcing them to sit through it anyway. It's stupid." Kit said as him, Ming, Forth, Kongpob, had Knock were having lunch after class. (Korn and Arthit were busy).

"We'll sit through it. We want to make sure you're ok and that we can help you if we need to," Knock said and Kit didn't react to that. In his mind though, he was happy someone cared.

Ming held his hand and Kit looked up at him.

"You can tell us, no one else will know. We'll keep it a secret if that's what you're worried about babe," Ming said and Kit nodded.

"I wanna wait till P'Korn and P'Arthit are here... Can we meet up for dinner?" Kit asked and everyone agreed. They thought that was a good idea.

- later that night - 8pm -

"Alright Kit, we're all here. You ready?" Forth said and Kit looked nervous but nodded.

"Um..." Kit didn't know where to start. There's so much.

Ming held his hand and made sure he was alright.

"Just... Tell us from the first thing you remember - doesn't matter if it's in order," Ming said and Kit nodded - getting up to sit on Ming's lap. It made him feel better to sit on his lap while he talks about this.

"Um, I guess I'll just go in order. When I was three, my parents divorced. Nine was just a baby (1) and lived with our grandma for a bit. I was supposed to go with him, but grandma didn't want me. So I got stuck with my parents... They constantly fought, mom was drunk all the time, dad took care of me. He always made sure I was alright..." Kit took a break to try and calm himself down from breaking down.

Out of everything that's happened in his life, this is the hardest and most triggering for him to remember. Ming hugged him and told him it was ok. The others all said it was ok, he didn't have to keep talking about it if he didn't want to.

Kit shook his head.

"I want to... I just needed to breath for a minute... It helps to talk about it, maybe it'll help me get a bit better... Alright. Um, Dad always made sure I was alright, he took care of me, fed me, helped me with everything like a normal parent... All while mom was drunk and violent towards him... That lasted about a year; on my fourth birthday I woke up in a police car - wrapped in blankets laying in an officer's arms. I immediately cried, I wanted my dad, I couldn't see him anywhere. I was terrified. We got to the police station and the officer holding me took me to her office. I kept crying and she calmed me down -  gave me my teddy bear. After a couple hours I think she finally sat in front of me and explained what had happened. My parents had gotten into another fight... But this time it was physical. Dad never hit or touched mom - it was all her. She hit him, kicked him, everything. They were upstairs in their room... It spilled into the hallway. Dad was trying to get a way from her. He tripped down the stairs and...." Kit's voice cracked.

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