"You okay mate?" Zayn woke me up from my inner thoughts. "Yeah sorry bro, I'm just a bit tired from the flight." I lied. "Yeah, you didn't sleep anything." He said. I smiled at him before playing a bit more of fifa.

"Yeah okay babe, see you then" Zayn said into the phone before hanging up. "I gotta go to pick up Perrie, see ya later bro?" "Yeah sure, have fun you two!" I said before standing up and follow him to the door.

When Zayn had left I went to bed to try to get some sleep. We have to meet up early for the book signing tomorrow. I can't wait to see Harry.


I had to get up really early to get to the booksigning today. I hadn't slept very well last night and it was terrible waking up.

The booksigning was going well, I was just a little bit tired, but my mood always became better when the fans was there cheering me up. I was sitting at the end of the table with Liam between me and Louis. I was honestly hoping that Louis would be the one sitting beside me, not that I mind sitting beside Liam though, it's fun having him as my neighboor at the signing. Booksignings are always fun. We gets to meet a lot of fans, interact with them and not to mention scribbling down things at the signing table. That is always fun!

After some hours of signing the books we had some interviews before a photosession. We were sitting on a couch with Louis in the midle and me sitting behind him, and we acted like everything was normal between us, actually it was better than normal because we actually interacted, something we had'nt done for years in public. It felt nice to finally interact with him again. I haven't laughed that much at a photosession for years. I enjoyed being so close to Louis again, and I hope he felt the same way.

After the photosession we took some more pictures with the fans before heading home. It's the BBC music awards tomorrow so I better get some rest. I'm sending Nadine a goodnight text before falling asleep.

I wake up next morning from the doorbell. I put on some clothes before heading over to the door and open it up to see Nialls face. "Hey mate. Wanna hang out before the awards tonight?" He says with his sweet irish accent. "Sure, come in! I'm just gonna get some breakfast, I just woke up. Do you want something?" I don't even know why I asked that question. Niall always wants something to eat.

I take some pizza out from the fridge before putting it in to the owen. I'm too lazy to make something more complicated right now, and Niall hate to wait for food.

After eating we decided to go to the tennis court to play some tennis. We both loves to play tennis, even though I beat him almost every time.

After an hour of playing, Liam and Louis shows up. Niall have probably texted them of where we went so they probably came to just watch since none of them are really into playing. Niall jogged towards them to chat for a bit. I drank some water before waving with my hands and shouted, "hey, are you gonna play or just stand there talking with your girl friends about how hot I look in these tennis shorts?" They started to laugh before Niall jogged back to me and started to play again.


Holy mother of fuckin jesus, Harry looks so fucking hot while playing tennis. Yeah, ofcourse he looks hot all the time, but right now.. I just want to grab him, take him home and fuck the hell out of him. Why did he have to weat that white fucking singlet showing off his perfect tattooed biceps. Sweat were running down his tummy and showed off his perfect toned abs. I don't think I can handle this anymore. I felt my jeans getting tighter and I tried to hide my bulge in my pants by putting my leg over. Liam talked about how excited he was for the awards tonight and how much he missed Sophia. But the only thing I could think about was how fuckin hot Harry looked. How can I get hard just by seing him working out? It's not fuckin normal! I tried to think about something else to get my boner away, but nothing seemed to work. "You okay there mate?" Liam said. "Oh, yeah I'm fine! I'm just thinking about the music awards tonight," I lied. He seemed pleased with my answear and kept on talking about stuff I had no interest for. Why does he have to be so fuckin sexy!?

I have loved you since I was 18Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora