Chapter Eighteen: To Live

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Kai jogs through the Wu Shi Academy and comes to a pause in front of a large group of monks. They all stand at attention.

"Prepare for invasion! The Tarkatans are getting closer!" Kai shouts.

The monks then disperse and grab any weapon in their reach. The commotion spreads throughout the entire Wu Shi Academy. Lightning suddenly strikes near Kai and from it Raiden appears. Kai turns his attention to him as the monks continue lining their defense. Liu Kang spots Raiden in the distance and heads over to he and Kai swiftly.

"Lord Raiden," Liu Kang says.

"Kai, Liu Kang. The Jinsei is secure, but the Wu Shi Academy mustn't fall. I shall deliver the refugees to the Sky Temple for safety. I am leaving the defense of the Wu Shi Academy to the two of you," the Thunder God finishes.

Liu Kang activates his wrist-com.

"Sonya, how bad is the invasion on your end?" he asks.

"We are managing, but we might get pushed back soon. The Tarkatans are leaking from a portal!" Sonya's voice leaks through the communication device.

"We are also managing on this end, but more portals open by the minute," Kenshi adds through the wrist-com.

Raiden's facial expression seems even more troubled at that news. Undoubtedly an attack from the emperor, but how are the Elder Gods unscathed by this? Suddenly his eyes meet a green, spiral tornado in the distance. It touches the sky, spinning rather fast. Souls from outside the Wu Shi Academy are forcefully pulled into the tornado, ripping from the bodies of the innocent. The Thunder God becomes even angrier. Liu Kang and Kai also spot the soulnado, causing their eyes to widen.

"Nightwolf!" Raiden calls to his ally who stands in the distance.

Nightwolf speeds to Raiden, Liu Kang and Kai.

"Yes lord Raiden?" he states.

"Your abilities are needed. Go and put a stop to this soulnado, and take as many monks with you as needed. Your soul is the purest, therefore we must hold out until I can secure the rest of the realm's souls. We must count on you," Raiden replies.

"I understand, I shall go immediately," Nightwolf gives a bow just before running off.

As he paces away, a portal opens near Kai. They back away as they analyze the olive portal in caution. Liu Kang falls into his stance, expecting a Tarkatan horde to run through the portal. Suddenly, Smoke walks through the portal with an unconscious woman in his arms. The cuts along with the bruises on both of their bodies indicate a great struggle took place. The Thunder God approaches them swiftly with Liu Kang following. Kai sees the portal is no threat and runs off to assist the monks in readying themselves.

"Smoke, what happened?" Raiden asks as he comes closer to Smoke.

Liu Kang's eyes land on the injured Mileena.

"Kitana? What happened to her?! Where are the others?!" Liu Kang shouts.

"This is Mileena you imbecile!" Smoke shouts at Liu Kang who raises a confused eyebrow. "I have no time to explain, she needs help!" Smoke replies, now facing Raiden.

Liu Kang has no time to process what Smoke says. Without warning, the Thunder God places his hand amongst Smoke's shoulder and they are teleported from the Wu Shi Academy. They reappear in what appears to be a large cave with smooth walls and many carvings. Torches burn of blue flame and in the center lies a bright azure sphere of energy. Through many cracks that lie on the ground, a deep blue substance travels throughout the cave-like area in which they stand. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake and the large sphere of energy begins to slightly divert in color.

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