Chapter Eight: Homecoming

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Quan Chi and Mileena exit the Nether Realm and reappear in front of the emperor's fortress. The portal from which they came vanishes as if it were never there as they begin to approach the large, black, gothic gate. The night Outworld sky shimmers a deep burgundy, and had it not been for the torches surrounding the fortress Quan Chi and Mileena could have infiltrated unseen. However, they are here to gain the trust of the emperor, so suspicious acts are out of the equation.

Mileena peers upward at the skyscraping fortress. It has been much too long since she has seen this place. However, it stopped being her home the day she perished. The memory of the emperor's forces comes back to her stronger; all the assassination contracts she's completed for her false father, all the occasions in which he's favored Kitana, and Rain's treachery. Growing up alongside traitors and or abandoners has seem to have been her entire life. She should have betrayed the emperor herself when she had the chance five thousand years ago.

Two guards at the front ready themselves in case of kombat, aiming their pikes as they counter Quan Chi and Mileena's approach.

"Speak intruders! Or become a sacrifice for the emperor!" one of them shouts.

"We mean no harm, we simply wish to seek an audience with the emperor," Quan Chi replies casually.

Mileena looks back and forth to each of them, irritation filling her consciousness.

"And you are?!" the other guard shouts in a much more threatening tone, shifting his threats her way.

Mileena steps forward, her features shifting swiftly to Tarkatan. The confusion and masked fear of the guard displays over his face.

"I am the princess, step aside you vermin!" she yells fiercely.

Both of the guards display wide eyes, realizing the resemblance. Yet it has been years, and the emperor stated to all of his forces Mileena was deceased. Out of fear, they both bow down quickly. It is possible that the emperor could have had her resurrected, therefore they wish not to disrespect royalty.

"Our apologies princess, you may enter," the guard on the left states.

They both begin to open the gate, allowing her and the sorcerer to pass through to the courtyard. Quan Chi grins at her sudden influence as he follows her to the main entrance. Mileena then returns to her Edenian features as they proceed. The front courtyard is filled with the emperor's army on each side of the brick walkway leading to the entrance. Some watch the two proceed with confusion as others sharpen their weapons and spar, utterly prepared for battle.

Two more guards stand watch directly in front of the entrance, yet make no fuss or threat. They simply open the forty foot door, allowing them to pass through.

"Remember the plan Mileena, try not to act out of haste should the emperor come across as rude," Quan Chi reminds her.

They come into the lobby, it's red and gold color scheme still strongly evident, yet not as elegant.

"You need not worry sorcerer, I know my false father rather well. Once we offer our services he shall be blinded with power, and when the time comes I shall have my vengeance," she swears to herself.

Quan Chi is confident in her response, and realizes just how great of an asset Mileena is.

"Princess," they hear a voice call to Mileena, causing them both to turn to meet another guard.

"What is it?" she questions as he bows to her.

"I shall escort you to the emperor, he awaits," he stands straight, holding his hand outward.

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