Chapter Six: The Journey

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"What is the information you seek?" the Thunder God questions.

Smoke keeps his eyes locked on Kitana, his gray mask concealing all his emotion and his silver spiky hair making him appear ruthless. Jade keeps her eyes on Li Mei who has her fists clenched, sword now sheathed and almost cannot contain her anger as Kung Lao still attempts to calm her down by holding her hand.

"We search for a warrior known as Scorpion. He murdered my brother," Sub-Zero states, stepping slightly closer to the Thunder God.

The Thunder God does not seem surprised.

"Yes, I know of Scorpion. However, he is no ordinary warrior, he is a specter of the Nether Realm and widely feared throughout Outworld. It also seems you have been on his trail for quite some time, yet in all the wrong places and times."

Sub-Zero raises an eyebrow.

"Is there anything you can inform me about so far as his location?"

Liu Kang turns his attention to the Thunder God, but stands between Smoke and Kitana just in case things get conflict related again. He never was the same after that dreadful day. He lost all interest in defending the realms it seemed to Liu Kang. Only when Earth Realm truly needed assistance was he there, and not for long either.

"He is mostly spotted in Outworld, but if you wish to encounter him, you must make your identity as 'Sub-Zero' known. Then, he shall find you," the Thunder God informs.

Sub-Zero takes this in, and as does Smoke. Sub-Zero bows his head respectfully.

"Thank you Lord Raiden."

"Thanks are not necessary," Raiden replies casually.

"As for us Lord Raiden, we believe we have managed to find a lead on how to unmerge Edenia, but the information we seek is well guarded in the emperor's Fortress, and he has ordered for our immediate capture," Jade states.

"However, we are ready to go back and infiltrate the Fortress to collect what we need to bring Edenia back regardless of the risks," Kitana adds.

The Thunder God takes this into consideration, and crosses his arms, going into thought.

"It seems as though all of your paths lead to Outworld. This could be positive reinforcement for our forces," the Thunder God takes note. "As you all know, Earth Realm was just granted safety for years to come. However, that does not mean Shao Kahn will not pose as a more massive threat. Countless times he has planned to invade Earth Realm yet decided against it due to the Elder Gods. One day he may grow even more powerful and no longer heed the Elder Gods."

They each face Raiden as he goes on.

"If we had Edenia on our side, not only would it be more protection, but Earth Realm could be greatly improved," he goes on.

They each glance at him wondering what he could be leading up to. Invading Outworld for Edenia? Challenging them to Mortal Kombat? How could they take the realm from under the emperor without putting Earth Realm at even more risk?

"Perhaps if you all infiltrate the realm together and assist each other in unmerging Edenia-"

"What?! Go with them?!" Smoke refers to Kitana and Jade.

"Sneaking into Outworld is dangerous enough with each of your high notoriety levels. You expect to easily navigate through the realm with Sub-Zero and complete a mission, especially one of vengeance, that simply? Kitana and Jade alone cannot slightly hope to infiltrate the emperor's Fortress without someone getting injured. Strength in numbers Smoke. Remember this is for the better of the realm. And should you happen to come across Scorpion, which you will once he believes Kuai Liang is the original Sub-Zero, that will be two missions you have spent two centuries attempting to complete out of the way," Raiden replies.

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