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I was 7 years old when my real mother left me in the orphanage and never came back again. After 4 years, I was adopted by a couple who seemed nice and loving.

They're rich, living in a cozy apartment and treated me like their own daughter. All I thought we're gonna to be a happy family until one day, unforgettable things happened.

At aged of 11, I was molested by the man who supposed to be my father. I was too young to know what exactly he's doing in body. He played my inner thighs with his tongue and fingers.

At first, I thought we're just playing because that's what he told me but, it's getting weird and stange until to the point that he have forced me.

That's the time I knew what he's doing wasn't right, he begun to threatened to kill me and my mother if I don't agreed.

All I can do is to cry everytime he touched me, I have no choice, I don't want to die.

In one year of repeatedly touching me and forcing me to do things for him, I decided to run away. I don't want to live with him anymore, I wanted to scaped from the hell that they had brought me.

I went back to the orphanage where I came from, I was crying outside the building when Mr. Jeon noticed me. He's the assigned Doctor who usually visits the area for free checkups.

He's nice and loves children very much, I know he's a good man and I can trust him.

He sat beside me and asked me why I run away from home. I cried even more but, decided to don't tell him, I don't know how to tell him. I'm still scared.

I can still remembered how terrifying the man who adopted me. He's like a monster who eats human flesh.

But, Mr. Jeon insisted, he promised that he won't tell anybody and because I trusted him, I told him everything.

He's unhappy on what he heard and he looks worried too but, I assured him I'll be fine.

At night, the woman who adopted me went on the orphanage crying because she thought she lost me. She insisted me to come back with her and because I thought she really loves me and will protect me, I agreed.

What I didn't know they planned it all and the nightmare begun again once we came home but, this time it worsen. My father raped me, forced me to sucked his dick and swallowed his seed.

And what's ridiculous? My mother filmed him while doing horrible things to me.

At that moment, I wanted to just die I can't bear it anymore. It happened almost everyday different styles and scenarios like we're filming a movie.

But, one night, police men abruptly entered our apartment and arrested them. I still have no idea what happened but, I'm glad they're already in jail.

I'm under the police custody for almost a week before they decided to brought me back to the orphanage. Mr. Jeon was the first person who greets me with wide smile, I looked up to him and tears fell down from my eyes in happiness.

He's the one who reported to the police, he saved me and I will never forget that.

"c-can you be my father?" I asked. If anyone can adopt me, i wanted it to be him because I know he'll protect me and love me like his real daughter.

He just responded me with smile but, he asked me one basic question that changes my whole life forever.

"Do you want to be my daughter?"

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